[Game improvements] Military academy - Gold company - Raw materials companies

Day 1,273, 23:41 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

I just read an article with an interview with George Lemnaru and one of his answers made me to remember one of the ideas I had some days ago.

"Q20 : Is there anything that you (as a citizen) really don't like and want to be changed/removed?

Yes, as a citizen I have 2 problems:
- is too hard to progress in eRepublik."

As an answer to that I was thinking about a military academy. Besides or instead of working in an economical company one can choose to go to a military academy. There, one can have supplementary training that can boost his/her strength. The amount of the strength gained can be influenced by the owner of the company, which can be an experienced player. As a rule somebody with a certain rank can go to a military academy held by a trainer with one or two ranks higher. This way military units can train their people in several academies in a waterfall model, in which Generals trains Lt Colonels which in turn trains Commanders, and so on.

A second idea comes from the fact the gold exchange rate went crazy and I think it was discussed around. If you allow creation of a gold company, in which employee can produce gold and receive salary, you can burn some local currencies. Here you can have company levels and based on the level the amount of gold can vary. In order to avoid an explosion of gold companies you can limit to one per player and you can limit the number of employees.

Here you can argue that gold produced in that way could reduce the amount of gold that is bought, but the production can be configured as it wont explode and be used only as alternative to monetary market.

Last, but not least, the new raw materials are like stones tied on the foot. Once you create one you can only to disable it because you cannot sell or upgrade. That would make people think twice before creating one.

But why the people that already has raw companies has to suffer because of that? When I've created my companies I knew all the time that I can sell them and change my configuration. Now I am stuck with them.

Please allow a higher refund when dissolving them (90% or even 80% would be acceptable) or allow one-time upgrade to higher levels.

All the best,

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