[Game improvements] Adjust the new "productivity" rate [Update]

Day 1,213, 02:07 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

I've saw yesterday the message of improved productivity for bigger companies, and I said, finally a smart move to encourage the peoples that invested in their company. But I did not imagine even in my worst dream that you will multiply the number of the product with the Q of the company.

What will be the result? The prices in raw market will explode as the request will be much bigger, as the prices for end product will decrease as there will be much more products on the market. Then the high end products will become less profitable and you did nothing.

I would set a lower factor for increased productivity, e.g. 1.25 for Q2, 1.5 for Q3, 1.75 for Q4 and 2 for Q5.

I was storing some money to upgrade my weapon company from Q2 to Q3. Now it is useless because I will not be able to cover the raw consumption. I am not able to cover the consumption even for my Q2 companies.

Congrats Plato! You messed up the things again.

You can bring back the upgrades to raw companies. Than you can balance the raw production with the end products.

All the best,