[Forward Bloc] Moving Forward

Day 1,796, 23:09 Published in India India by DonMogul

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Acceptance Speech

I would like to thank the Forward Bloc party for appointing me as Spokesperson for the greatest party of all! It is my job to disseminate amongst my fellow brothers and sisters of India the party's stance on India's issues. I will also hopefully be convincing more and more of you to join us. Forward Bloc is where the party is at!


Exclusive Forward Bloc Dispatch System

I have the extreme pleasure of announcing that once again the Forward Bloc's dispatch system is active! Forward Bloc members may now access the party website here to claim free food and free weapons!

30 Q5 food and 5 Q6 tanks are available for you! So what are you waiting for?

Not part of the Forward Bloc? We are sorry, the FB dispatch system is not open to non-members at the moment. You can fix it however... by joining us!

Forward Bloc's Congressional Goals

Our goal this month is to claim 25% of Congress. It is quite a lofty goal for our party, but we believe it is one we can attain.

Our congress members are among the very finest in India. We have an exciting mix of experience and youthful enthusiasm amongst our candidates.

A vote for our party in the congressional elections is not just a vote for our party. It is a vote for a more active, more secure and most importantly more fun future for our nation!

That is all from us at Forward Bloc for now. Vote this article up and subscribe to this paper to keep up with updates!