[F1+GE-IPL+Other News] Races and Matches and News OH MY!

Day 1,758, 01:25 Published in India India by DonMogul

Firstly, to the other news.

As the more eagle eyed amongst the India United party have noticed, I have left the party. Call me selfish and childish if you want. It matters to me not one iota. I have moved to a party where I know my skills and knowledge are appreciated. Where I am an asset and not just a tool to be used.

Hello to the DPI!

Also, I am somewhat disappointed with the attitude of some of our new players. The vast majority of our eBabies (thankyou to this group!) are appreciative of everything the government and certain private citizens do to help them along.

There is recently, however, an increasingly noisy minority who believe such things should happen automatically and without question and also with minimal effort on their part.

I am here to tell you, if you want to succeed in eRepublik, you need to do some of your own work.

I started off in the UK in the invite-only beta days. I didn't claim any sort of government help (not much existed at the time anyway) and yet now I am rolling in the cash.

I have only purchased GOLD once. And that was for a 20 GOLD pack so I could start a Q1 Grain company where I made 0.03 to 0.06 GBP per unit of wheat.

Now I own the following:

Q4,3,2 Food
Q7,5,4,3,2,1 Weapons
1 Hunting Lodge
1 Fishery
1 Fruit Orchard
3 Grain Farms
9 Rubber Plantations
1 Saltpeter Mine
1 Aluminum Mine
2 Iron Mines

You can also take the above value of these companies and double it to reflect the amount of cash I have invested in various other companies around the New World.

All this I earned from the strength of my own back and intense study of the game mechanics.

The pros at this game like me are more than happy to lend a hend and point you in the right direction.

But there has to come a point where you need to wean yourself away from financial and material assistance and profit from your own hard work.

It IS possible. And you can be as successful as I am. But YOU need to put in the work.

I am currently in the process of writing a guide for you eBabies (and not a few older players!) so that you can start making profits with your own work!

With this guide and some effort on your part, one day soon you will rival General Enterprises as an eGlobal Mega-Corporation!

Formula One

The race can now be viewed here! It is a very exciting race with tight battles and spins all over the place (especially amongst those in the points!)


Round 2 matches are currently being simulated. Results will be posted as soon as they are all available!