[ePlayboy-MoC]Germark you are beautiful[EN]

Day 1,891, 10:24 Published in Germany Germany by NeueN

Today will be a rather short edition due to the fact that I have a job to do that punches me in the face every day of this week.

In my last edition I aske😛 Germark who are thou?
43 people filled out the survey and one of this 43 people wins 3 gold.
In order of the timestamp I gave every participant a number from 1 to 43 and asked a random number generator who has won.
Just a small pic to proof this:

The winner is: KLOPPO. Congratulations 🙂

Being totally happy, we will now come to results of this little survey.
Participants: 43

Male or Female?(One possible answer)
Males: 42
Females: 1

Where do you come from?(One possible answer)
Germany: 39
Denmark: 1
Northern/Southern america: 1
rest of Europe: 2

How old are you?(One possible answer)
14-16: 3
17-19: 7
19-23: 10
24-28: 14
28+ : 9

For how long do you play?(One possible answer)
1-50 days: 3
51-200 days: 4
200-365 days: 5
1-2 years: 12
>2 years: 19

Favourite style of music?(Mutliple answers possible)
Rock(inkl. Metal etc): 23
RnB/HipHop/Rap: 8
Electro: 13
Classic: 5
Blues/Jazz: 12
others: 19

To sum it up: The typical germarkian Player is a 24 to 28 years old male from Germany who prefers to listen to rock and is playing this game for more than 2 years.

Picture relate😛












Please excuse my lack of time to translate it to german. I will do this tomorrow (maybe 😛)

I hope you enjoyed this edition. If you do so, please tell your friends and feel free to shout this article.