[dCP] Government Trivia!

Day 2,058, 06:10 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

It's simple, all I am going to do is pose some questions and all you have to do is answer them all successfully! The quickest to get all answers correct will receive a prize, the second and third placed will receive minor prizes. There will be a winner and runner ups in each division meaning their are 3 prizes to be won per division. The winning prize is 75 q7 weapons.To be eligible you need to be an eAustralian citizen and you must send me your answers via private message. Once you have done so create a comment saying you have so.

So here we go,

Question 1: Who was the first President/Prime Minister of eAustralia?

Question 2: Which country successfully Politically Took Over eAustralia?

Question 3: How many months did they occupy eAustralia?

Question 4: True or False, was the Knighthawks Military Unit the first Militia/MU in eAustralian history?

Question 5: Where was the last eRepublik summit held?

Question 6: Who was the Prime Minister before Molly Jo?

Question 7: Who was it who infamously wrote "What is a cabinet, and how can I get involved?" (I think that's right)

Question 8: Which eAustralian was responsible for one of the eWorld's premier comic series'? This person created a series focused on eAustralia's history.

Question 9: Who was Prime Minister/President when eAustralia triumphantly liberated eAustralia, to only have that overturned and saw eAustralia wiped once again?

Question 10: Who was the owner of #ausrep before Mack Craft?

For new players, it's time to crack open the wiki and read up on your history or message an older player or two for the answers, for older players it is time to get that nostalgia happening and get that prize!

(This event is entirely funded by Callumh123, and does not come out of the Government or tax dollars).



Deputy Prime Minister.

ps. Please do not post the answers below, instead message me here