'Dan Maar de Lucht In!' Part II

Day 2,235, 06:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dan Maar de Lucht in! Part II

In the meantime, at #NL-GOV*
(After much quarrel, Van Speyk and Guerrilla agreed on a common government channel)

President Jan van Speyk:
Dear gentlemen, I've gathered you all on this festive day for a government meeting. As usual, I'll tranfer the talking part to my beloved premier El Guerrilla, while I continue my guerrilla fights. I've heard there are many near the German-Polish border!

Premier El Guerrilla:
Good evening, gentlemen. I hope you've had a pleasant New Years' Eve? Apparently our latest real life meeting went horribly wrong..

*the whole room looks towards G.A.R.M.R*

We've ended up travelling back in time, instead of progressing a year. Gentleman, we're not in 2014. We've ended up in 1939. It's the first of september, 1939, to be precise.

Upon hearing the news, the room is filled with an awkward silence. Then, some of the cabinet members begin laughing - Including G.A.R.M.R and Jan Van Speyk - while others, like Marnix Marx & Tan A Tos began crying.

President Jan Van Speyk:
Well, well, gentleman. Who would have thought the year would start off as well as it appears to be! Welcome in my era, gentlemen! An era where my beloved Zeeland has not yet been flooded. An era where the old moral and values will prevail in Congress and the Government is all mighty. It's the 20th century, only the top 1 party should be eligible for Congress!

Marnix Marx began crying, but nobody wanted to notice. G.A.R.M.R offered him an extra drink, but Cor Dack refused that to be happening and gave him a piece of low-quality bread instead, ensigned with a Red Military Unit logo. Marnix began to come to senses again and whined about only having heard of the 20th century on the internet.

El Guerrilla:
Well, well, let's stay true to our lawbook and pretend we're still in the eNetherlands of 2014, instead of using common sense, shall we? We'll discuss the current state of affairs by going along all the ministers. Let's start with the Foreign Ministry. Tan a Tos?

Foreign Minister Tan a Tos:

Pozdrav, eNetherlands! I have sad, sad news. Croatia no longer existing. Good news, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia also not. All Croat citizens exile to eHolland.

Head of Intelligence Marnix Marx:
Oh, that doesn't matter! They'll probably won't get trough our immigration office, but hey, seeing they're stateless now, let them create a lot of new citizenships in the eNetherlands instead!

Tan a Tos:
Hvala. We're always welcome in eNetherlands. I thank GPN for encouragement of Croating immigration. We happily will vote in exchange.

At a somewhat distanced, smaller table, is seated the staff of the eDutch Military. Pieces of lego are shattered across it, resembling low-quality airplanes and tanks. Trüde Vaal & Erik Pix are playing with the few lego pieces the eNetherlands has. Sometimes a lone supposed allied lego piece is added, but the staff is dissapointed it never matches the Polish constructions. Trüde Vaal is too engaged in other affairs, anyway. He wants to be Country President and be seated at the larger table! Erik Pix has gone missing, too. He has been seen in foreign countries, exchanging his body for money (and weapons).

Tan a Tos:
Yes, by the way, good news and bad news. Poland gone. Germany has replaced Poland. They will attack us quick.

Jan Van Speyk:
Wait a minute. We're the Netherlands! We will crush them with our determination bonus! Let's be swift and use our bargaining power to negotiate a deal with the Germans. They've always caved in to the Polish, so they surely must bow for the Dutch.

Tan A Tos:
No no. Not same Germans. Blitzkrieg Germans do not deal.

Jan Van Speyk:
No worries. We have a lot of other possibilities left. We can always go to South Africa. Or what about our new colony in Canada?

Tan a Tos:
Not in 1939, no. Canada and South Africa British puppets. We must flee to Dutch East Indies.

Jan Van Speyk:
That's the VOC mentality! Let me post some copied articles about the glorious, ethical colonial empire the Dutch had in preparation for our flight.

El Guerrilla:
Enough! There are more pressing matters than our country being destroyed by the Germans. Let's heat up bipartisan domestic issues, instead. The Ministry of Finances is ideally suited for that. Weekbert Strom, anything to add?

Finances Minister Weekbert Strom:
We're making a lot of money, but sadly I can't give numbers. Imagine ze Germans or Croats knowing whether we make a little or extremely little money!

El Guerrilla:
... G.A.R.M.R anything to add?

Security Minister G.A.R.M.R
Well the supplies of alcohol and steroids are still running. Everything's fine.

El Guerrilla:
... Marnix Marx, then?

Marnix Marx:
Yes, good news. DIAS, our secret agency is finally being realized and is no longer a symbol of Dutch bureaucracy. We've recruited our first spy! He's currently preparing operations in Belgium, I heard.
Let me introduce to you former Ambassador and current spy Fee Meter.


To be continued.