‎Daily Agony - Tribute to Steve Jobs

Day 1,416, 07:28 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

''The iPhone 4s wil be great.I bet my life on it''.
-Steve Jobbs-

‎3 Apples changed the world..

1st one saduced Eve,

the 2nd one fell on newton and the

3rd one was offered to the world half bitten by Steve Jobs...may his soul rest in peace.

Citizens comments about his death

-> hope they Inscribed on his grave: iDead!

-> Lol hope he gets to iHeaven!

-> iDont care. He sold overpriced products. sum guy sold his kidneys on the blackmarket to buy an ipad

->hey dude Overpriced with iQuality

Frozen Moments




if you not laughing or smiling it means you are not in the same class as them so the joke dont apply to you