(Congress) More Revenue Reforms

Day 1,230, 16:30 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Stage one of the National Revenue Act is now underway thanks to the good work of our congress, now the next step for serious reform has come. Today we will supercharge our national revenue with a lengthy tax on the one thriving industry here in North Korea, weapons. Training wars are a great opportunity to build experience for our citizens, but we are missing more than half of the overall opportunity by not taxing off of them. This legislation will set another strong tax reform to pull us out of economic recession, this is a sacrifice we must make in order to pull ourselves out of debt, and fund our future civil projects, such as per say a National Hospital here in Pyongan. These projects don't fund themselves, national revenue through taxation funds them, so we ask that you all buy Korean weapons and participate in our training wars. These reforms are just the beginning, in order to succeed, we must first work together for a better Korea.