[CAFE] Welcome to eRepublik! (English tutorial)

Day 4,311, 13:54 Published in Switzerland Australia by Maud Flanders

It seems like I have won the tutorial contest that Rican started some weeks ago. First of all I want to thank the jury and Rican himself for their job, it is difficult to see something non-related with the military module in this game.

Also, as I’m publishing in eSwitzerland, I hope you have successfully passed the recent PTO attempt. They will never win!

You can read the full-color version of the tutorial here:

You have just arrived at the game and it seems that you are giving it a try. The first thing you have to do is convert the newly created citizen into your citizen.

Change your avatar and your name. Access your profile by clicking on your nickname or avatar on the eRepublik homepage.

Once you are there, you have to click on the edit profile button.

And a new page will open with these tabs:

- About me: you can change the visible text on your profile and your avatar.
- Account settings: you can change your nickname (the first change is free, the following ones cost 50 golds).
- Security: You can change your password and select a security code that will be requested for certain changes in your citizen (buy companies, transfer money ...).
- Email notifications: you can decide if you want eRepublik to send you emails to notify you in certain cases (maximum recoverable energy reached, military daily order ...).
- Game options: I recommend you to set this configuration:

Very well, you have already configured your citizen!

You can play eRepublik without using any chat or forum external to the game. Military units have in-game chat, citizens can open newspapers to express themselves, we can send private messages to other users and, most importantly, we have four tabs for immediate communication:

- Country: you can’t write if you are not the president of your political party, congress member or member of the government. You could only read and respond to comments.
- Friends: you can write messages that citizens who have accepted you as friends will see (or to whom you have sent a friend request and have accepted you).
- Military Unit: you can communicate with your comrades and read battle orders and other information that your commander deems appropriate.
- Political Party: you can communicate with your party partners and coordinate for elections or other actions.

Even with all the possibilities offered by the game, the citizens of the different countries have decided to coordinate and communicate through discord, slack or telegram. You can search if your community has Discord in the official eRepublik server: https://discord.gg/43BhwEH (#discords)

Also I recommend this private discord, in which some players help noobs (in spanish, but if you speak english someone may answer you): https://discordapp.com/invite/JMdt7sw

In eRepublik there are four ways to earn money: Work as an employee, work in your own companies, winning medals or buying Gold packages. Let's focus on the first two.

Work as an employee. By placing your mouse on the market tab you can enter the labor market. You will find multiple offers. I recommend you to select the one that offers the higher salary (keep in mind that you will receive the net salary, once the taxes are deducted). You should check the job offers every day, to see if you are interested in changing job to earn more CC (Country Currency) or not.

Important: You can work more than once a day in companies. If you buy and activate a Q1 house you will earn overtime work points. Every 24 points (24 hours, 1 point per hour) you can do an extra job and earn twice the normal salary. Some governments, military units or political parties give Q1 houses to new players, do not hesitate to ask!

Work as Manager - WaM. When you sign up in eRepublik you get a few companies with which you can start to self-produce bread. Go to the tab of my places and companies. You have to create a new holding and assign to it your unassigned companies (you have to assign them one by one).

Important: Before assigning your companies, ask members of your country's government or colleagues in your military unit or political party which are the appropriate regions in your country for each type of company. For example, in eSpain the recommended region to produce food is Murcia, while the recommended region for weapons is La Rioja.

You can build your holding in other region since the production difference is not drastic, but placing your companies in the recommended region of your country you will produce a little more and, therefore, you can earn more energy (or more money).

You should place your residence region in the region where you have your holding, in order to take advantage of the benefits of having a house Q1 (recover life faster) and be able to work without spending money to move between your residence and the region of your companies.

In the game there are two types of battles: ground and air. Both types of battles alternate in all military campaigns.

Ground battles are divided into four divisions. Newcomers are born in division 1, so they will fight with all players who have not reached level 35. Between level 35 and 50 you will be part of division 2; between level 51 and 69 you will be division 3 and, once you have more than level 70 you will be part of division 4.

With all the ground training camps at Q4 level (which means a large investment of Gold) you will gain 90 strength per day, spending 50 Golds in maintaining a training contract every month. You will earn rank points when fighting in battles, increasing your maxhit (damage caused by every 10 energy spent in battle). You can buy weapons to produce more damage, in this case the recommended weapons are Q7 (higher quality).

Since you will fight with many players who have been training their strength for years, it is not recommended that you try to become top-player in ground battles. You should focus on air battles.

Air battles have no strength training. You earn rank points for fighting in air battles, and this rank is the only determining factor of air maxhit (damage caused by every 10 energy spent). Air rank goes up slowly, but it will take you less than a year to reach a good level if you focus 100% on fighting in air battles.

Fighting in air or land battles you will earn prestige points that will give you some prizes in the weekly challenge. You can earn bars, faster energy recharge, etc.

You can win Gold and CC with achievements. You can see the achievements you have won and the requirements to win new achievements in your citizen’s profile.

The prizes for each achievement range from 1000 CC to 30 Golds.

I recommend you to join a Military Unit and a political party. Look at the rankings and observe the activity of the different organizations before deciding one or the other. Remember that you can change your military unit or party at any time if you are not completely satisfied.

Military units:

Political parties:

You can select your country by clicking

eRepublik has rules of behavior that all players must comply to avoid being banned.

The penalties for breaching the basic rules of the game can range from an economic fine in Gold or CC (acquired through a bug or multi-account) to the temporary or permanent ban of the citizen. You can check more information here: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Rules

If you want to contact the eRepublik team because of a bug, report multi-accounts or inappropriate behaviors of other players, or request any information, you can access the “tickets” through this link: https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/tickets

Click on “submit a ticket” and select the department with which you want to communicate. You must send the message in English.

eRepublik has its own forum where users can talk to each other and receive information about game changes. Users can also access eRepublik own wiki in which you can read some of the eHistory of our game. You can participate in the wiki edition if you want.

Do you have any unresolved question?

Send me a private message and I will answer you as soon as possible.

you can also check my outdated tutorials here: https://goo.gl/k5ATGV
and the spanish version of this tutorial here: https://goo.gl/nGyvfH

thanks again fot the prize!