[Battle Orders] Day 2457: Review of Lithuanian AS and U.K.

Day 2,457, 04:32 Published in Norway Norway by Forsvaret

Fellow Norwegians!

Yesterday was a great day for our country.
Lithuanians were once more tried to put their feet over our land but their last attempt were a complete fiasko. The AirStrike due to the bravery of the Norwegians and the support of friends and allies NEVER even landed.

Norway wishes to thanks all her soldiers that yesterday fought whith boldness and courage.

Also would like to thank our brothers in ASGARD that showed once more what brotherhood means. From the first minute until the glorious end were by our side.

We would like to thank all the fighters that came to support our battles.
Soldiers of Belarus, Serbia, Greece, Argentina, China and Taiwan, Peru and forgive us if we have forgoten someone.

Among them though we need to express our gratitude to the people and goverment of Australia for being once more a huge partner, ally and friend.
Norway will honor your friendship as she have allready done until now.

Finally we would like to thank the countries that had our battle as a Campaign of the Day.
Sweden, Finland and Greece (from the 8th round until the end) and ofcourse Australia that had us as the number one prio for the day.

On the opposite side, Lithuania had Poland,Germany, Switzerland and ofcourse U.K.



*** For now we have to face the U.K. and make sure that this train war is OVER.

* Fight for Norway in Trondelag

* Fight for Finland in Kesk-Eesti

Info about the battle system for our new soldiers:

Divisions,Traning and Contracts
Guerrilla Fights
Resistance Wars

Best Regards,
Your Fosvaret Team

Joshua Morriseau
Tangerine Dream