Day 2,606, 16:55 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

Game on.

Parties were always hard for me.

No, not like... moving on...

I've long had a reputation as a party jumper. Politically speaking, I've always been antsy. So many pretty cars, I just couldn't help but chase em. The United Independents Party was alright. For a while. And for a time it was home. But then there was S.E.E.S., and goodness gracious, how could you not be a part of that?

The Federalists, the Libertarians, the WTP; hell, at one point in my career I even went off and made my own party (RIP American Stardust Crusaders, always in my heart). And then I did it again (burn in hell LAP). So, with all the leapfrogging and bopping about over the years, I had rightfully gained a reputation as a party-hopper.

But that's dead.

About a year or so ago, I joined the AMP. I didn't know much about it. I knew that it was where people like Israel Stevens and greeling had made their home. And so, I tentatively tiptoed onto the old AMP forums and introduced myself.

And we had a raucous good time of it.

More appropriate now.

The AMP is my home, and I do dearly love it. A few months ago, Israel Stevens gave out the call to bring people back. Old players, new players, all flocked back to the banner. He did the heavy lifting on recruitment and retention. We have a party.

Now it's time for us to do something with it.

I would like to be your next Party President.

With the new year comes new resolution. Over the course of my term, I will seek to accomplish four things.

The Fourfold Plan
1. Get more noobs.
2. Promote more peeps.
3. Show and tell.
4. Throw more parties.

There will be no VPP. There is no need for such a thing anymore. And as such, the Chief of Staff role will take on greater import. Every captain needs a quartermaster. A long time friend, and a lover of all things Vin Diesel, there is no more ass-kicking a gent that I could find for the job than Alexander_Auctoritas

We gotta lot of work to do this month. Let's get to it.

Are you feelin dem AMPs?