[1866] The king is back [EN]

Day 1,866, 01:48 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Rejoice my loyal subjects and Serbian PTOers and gygpsies, as the King comes back from his exile. Long live the King! Long live eIndia!

Since the political situation is eIndia is a little messed up, and divided between the proEDEN and the proCOT defenders I decided to go back to eIndia to help fixing that political situation, as well as working as ambassor in different countries so eIndia can sign some MPPs with new friends.

And of course, I will join the proCOT section of the eIndian politics, as I think that EDEN has never help eIndia and has only used them in order to have some extra damage in close battles in order tohave an edge, after all, they are just a damagehood, am I wrong?

In fact, I could write more things about why we should not stay in EDEN and why whe should join either COT or ONE, but I think that I said it all in my old articles.

Remember to vote, give me all your golds, shout and subscribe, enjoy the coolpic :3