[1828] AFA, the love party [EN/SB]

Day 1,828, 12:50 Published in USA Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler


AFA, The Love Party

Many Americans, especially the AMPers, have very negative opinions about AFA. I personally think it is a good party, I know there are very few real Americans in AFA, but we all fight for USA’s benefit, ignoring the wars and issues from our home countries, if you don’t believe it I’ll bring some examples: Bosnia and Serbia are in war, but Hanibal LA and Norbengo are partners; Rumania and Bulgaria were at war not so long ago, but Ivaylo88 and Matracuca are partners; Portugal and Spain are at war, but Viarizi and I are partners, I could keep that way for a long time.

I don’t know the reason why the AMP hates us that much, is it because we are the TOP 1 party? is it because your political supremacy is over? Anyways, you brag a lot about being USA’s saviours, which is quite funny because you hadn’t done anything for USA’s benefit, quite the opposite actually.

Our beloved former Country President, Israel Stevens, killed USA’s economy with his nonsense policies. Do you remember that time when the USA conquered Mexico, Indonesia and some European territories? And when we had all bonuses? It was a prosperous time for USA’s economy, until Israel Stevens decided to ruin everything by giving 40% of each bonus away in an attempt to fight the PTO and make most of the foreign players leave the country, which ended up being an epic fail as almost no one left the country but the economy collapsed.

Right after Israel Stevens we had the best ever CP, Henry Pfeiffer Arundel (or Pfailer, whatever), among some of his brilliant policies we could highlight the ultimatum to Poland, that caused the destruction of CTRL, starting a nonsense war vs Hungary which caused USA to lose their last colonies and another 20% bonus, spreading hate among Americans because he is afraid if AFA and many other things. Frankly, I can’t remember any fails, he did just nice. I’m pretty sure Hanibal LA would make mistakes like trying to make CTRL stronger and keep our bonuses.

What’s the point of choosing RL Americans as CP and congressmen if they are only going to make mistakes? I know that there are very few RL Americans in AFA, but we have experienced politicians that will fight for USA’s good. Please, remember that next November 25.

Thank you Rope R for the translation

AFA(American Freedom Aliance)-partija sa ljubavlju!

Mnogo Amerikanaca,većinom AMPeri (American Military Party) imaju mnogo negativnih stavova o AFA-i. Ja lični mislim da je to dobra partija,znam da je poprilično malo Amerikanaca u AFA-i, ali se svi borimo za dobrobit Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, zapostavljajući ratova kod kuće. Ako neverujete daću nekoliko primera: Bosna i Srbija su u ratu, ali Hanibal LA i Norbengo su partneri; Rumunija i Bugarska su bili do skoro u ratu, ali Ivaylo88 i Matracuca su partneri;Portugal i Spanija su u ratu,ali Viarizi i Ja(Nueveocho) smo partneri.

Ja ne znam razloge zašto nas AMP mrze baš toliko, je li zato što smo TOP 1. partija?,je li zbog toga što je vaša politička nadmoć završena? Svakako,vi niste doneli mnogo kao Amerikanski spasioci, što je poprilično smešno jer niste uradili ništa za dobrobit Amerike, već suprotno tome.

Naš voljeni bivši CP,Israel Stevens, ubio je SAD ekonomiju sa njegovom besmislenom politikom. Da li se sećate vremena kad su SAD pokorile Meksiko, Indoneziju i neke evropske teritorije? I kada smo imali sve bonuse? To je bilo dobro vreme za američku ekonomiju, sve dok nije došao Israel Stevens i rešio da ima po 40% od svakog bonusa u pokušaju bitke sa PTO-om, te da natera strane igrače da napuste državu, što se završilo velikim gubitkom i skoro niko nije napustio državu,ali se ekonomija raspala.

Baš posle smo imali najboljeg CP-a oduvek, Henry Pfeiffer Arungel(Ili Pfailer,kakogod), imao je njegovu brilijantnu politiku sa ultimatumom sa Poljskom,koja je izazvala raspad CTRL-a,startujući jedan besmislen rat sa Madjatskom koji je izazvao da SAD izgubi dosta kolonija i drugih 20% bonusa, raširujući mržnju medju Amerikancima jer se plašio AFA-e i mnogo drugih stvari.Iskreno,ne mogu se setiti nikakvih greški,sve je uradio dobro... Prilično sam siguran da bi Hanibal LA napravio greške poput pojačavanja CTRL-a i sačuvavajući nače bonuse.

Šta je poenta birajući RL Amerikance za CP i kongresmene,ako oni smao prave greške? Znam da u ima malo RL Amerikanaca u Afa-i,ali svi smo iskusni političari koji se bore za dobrobit SAD-a. Molim vas, zapamtite predstojeći Novembar 25!


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