[1799] About trolls and pro athletes [EN]

Day 1,799, 10:19 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Nowadays trolling is becoming an usual activity, but, what is trolling?, well, thaks to wikipedia I'll allow you to know the definition of the word troll:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions and harassment outside of an online context. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."

So now that we know what a troll is lets focus on it's offline influence. People are not douches or d*cks anymore, now they are trolls, the same way people don’t harm other people since they are just trolling. Pro athletes aren’t an exception these days.

Lets start with the greatest troll ever in football, Eli Manning. How do you call someone that always makes 10 yds pass on 3rd and 10, makes great comebacks and crashes the Patriots 19-0 fantasy? I’d call it a troll, a nice troll. Just on Sunday while winning 20-16, with less than a minute left on the clock RG3 scores a 30 yds TD, now the redskins are winning 23-20. Game over? Oh hell no! Manning completes a 77 yds pass to Victor Cruz, other troll by the way, so with 19 seconds left they were winning 27-23.

Good thing the Patriots are doing horrible this year, otherwise Eli would troll Tom Brady once more, and make Bellichick change once more his Palpatine hoodie sweatshirt.

Other veteran troll, Matt Hasselbeck, the bills were winning most of the game, and with few time left they were up 6 points (28-34), until he threw a 12 yds TD and scored 7 points winning (35-34), we are used to see Hasselbeck trolling, but this is his first trolling as a Titan. Good game by Chris Johnson, he finally stops trolling his own teammates and decides to run again.

Mark Sanchez, the autotroll king, he had a good game last sunday, but in overtime gets sack and makes a fumble, which is recovered by the Patys, allowing them to win the game 29-26. Hopefully Rex Ryan will eat his own pride and will allow Tim Tebow, the 4th quarter trolling king, to start next game.

Talking about Autotrolls, we just cannot forget about Tony Romo. He is a talented QB, that’s for sure, but sometimes he needs to troll his teammates. Do you remember the game against the Chicago Bears when he threw 5 interceptions? I’m not a probowl QB, but I’m completly sure that you have to pass the ball to your own teammates. Anyways, we have fun watching the Dallas Cowboys fail.

Coaches want to be trolls too! Pete Carroll is a good example. Do you remember when the 7-9 Seahawks faced the 12-4 Saints back in January 2011? Everyone picked the Saints as winners, but not me, I picked the Seahawks for the lulz. Even after they were leading the game 17-0, the Seahawks, with four bombs by Hasselbeck and a 67 yds run by Marshall Lynch they won the Saints 36-41. That was an epic troll.

Two weeks ago he trolled the Patriots in a last drive score, winning 24-23, and last month they beat the Packers 12-14 thanks to a very controversial Hail Mary. This guy just dominates the art of trolling. The replacement refs were nice trolls too!

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