You win some, you lose some

Day 562, 01:30 Published in Romania Romania by smif

This article will be in English because it might concern many ecitizens not just the our countrymen.

As the title says: You win some , you lose some.

We had ONE chance to succeed. That chance was named "The battle for Dnipro".

We didn't managed to bring down that wall. We failed in our attempt to regain our superpower status in the eWorld. But I can tell you it was a hell of a ride.

With this battle being lost, we had few options:
1. Wait and see how Hungary will attack and conquer Podolia, because at this moment they are more POWERFUL than us, and we just have to admit it. At this moment when we have more than 1000 citizens went berserk in all the eWorld.
2. Moldova to retreat from Zaporo and then attack Podolia and swap the regions again. That would only gain us a few hours maybe a day and would only rise again and again the level of frustation on our side.
3. Wait for Hungary to attack Podolia, let them use some more GOLD as we already did and then RETREAT and let Podolia go to Ukraine.

The ramification of each and every option where discussed in the SMR chat and we decided to go for the 3rd option being the only one good enough!

We need time to recover our strength, we need our people back in Romania and we need this FAST!
By letting Podolia go to Ukraine we have ANOTHER chance with the Presidential elections coming tommorow.
I urge everyone to stick together and today along with Victor Petrescu we will decide what is the best thing to do about the TO options around the GLOBE!

But today we mourn our wounded, and we celebrate the day that will come.
Today we are in our original regions.
We failed in many things, but we never failed in being fair in this game.
I congratulate the hungarian army.
You WIN!
But the war hasn't finished YET!
Romania will rise again, but this time there is no hurry!
All we need now is our people home, back to work, we need production, we need workers, we need companies, we need good managers, we need exports, we need to rise our economy and reshape our army.
Future President of eRomania
Still a proud romanian