Wisdom and such from whoever Lefty from Mulberry St is...

Day 703, 22:07 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

I will be leaving eRep for enlistment in the U.S. Navy SWCC. I like the idea of taking part in highly classified missions and making enemies of my great country's mothers cry. Maybe thats a bad thing, but I don't think so. My 25 years of life have been a journey, a learning experience. I was on my own at 15 years of age, with not much family, no home, car or job. I thrived in my cities drug trade for years, I was constantly getting arrested for something, got out of it with my honor intact, and the cycle continued until a few charges stuck, and I finally faced jail time. 1.5 years later I was broke again, with nothing. At 20 I was back to my old ways, downtown, opposed to in the rural/urban area I inhabited before, living in a homeless shelter, though I did have a car and job at that point. Seeing that I had outgrown my city, I moved to Chicago on a whim. I quit my job during a lunch break and headed for nowhere. Within 1/2 hour of my arrival I found a driveway that I parked in and slept in my car for months until what I saw as my vacation, was over, I stayed there. Within 8 months I was again a celebrity, and due to police infiltration, I was on the run again. Back again in my own city, still doint the same dumb stuff, I started to branch out, ie, we had what you wanted. There was nothing like the feel of the air at 3:30 am, after being up, making money for 48+ hours, just me the team and plenty to go around. Then we got caught, well everyone but me.

After that was a daze of hotel living, drug withdrawl that, due to my stubbornness, lasted for years.

Then I woke up. I started a family and a company that currently makes up one of the top 50 jobs in America. I discovered concepts like duty, chivalry, real honor, honesty, etc.

Today I am somewhat hindered by my past. Until a few weeks ago my medical condition, still an undiagnosed frickin medical mystery, seemed that it would get the best of me in the coming months. Though I'm not the most religious person, I atribute my almost full recovery to a miracle for lack of a better word.

Maybe you will take something good from that little summary, maybe not.

Here's something off subject to ponder if you find the need...
I am a Master Mason, as in Freemasonry, a highly moral order thus I recognize a higher power.
I studied Christanity, Islam, Judism, Satanism (worship of self) and heres my problem:

I have no faith, I in-fact know, there is something greater than I, but the Jesus thing bothers me a bit. Am I Jewish? Really.

But anyway...

I'll be gone from eRep when I enlist, but will return. P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization is bigger than me, and will function the same in my absence.

I leave you now with a short list of people I've met in eRep that for whatever reason, I feel a need to comment on.

PigInZen and I clicked from my noob-dom. I'm sure he assisted in getting me a post as DSoI under DoI Canni, buying P.O.T.A.T.O.E.'s first companies and a list of thing I'm unaware of myself.

Canni- This is is a good dude.

Josh Frost- Has done accomplished more of my goals, without me or knowlege of my goals than I ever could. ST6 is the best this I know of for the eUS.

citizenslave- This individuals MM knowledge and efforts made for the Feds are staggering to me.

Ardez/Moot- I'm not sure why I like you two, but I do. So there.

And of course theres everyone else. People like fingerguns, Robojibbs, Jewitt, Guias Julius, and as if I need to say it, for you to know, SCRABMAN RULES.

I will likely add to this list btw before I'm gone.