Why we believe in eDictatorship - a NBB answer to a political pamphlet

Day 1,875, 09:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Pre Scriptum: If you think that this text lacks of images it is just that you have not looked hard enough 😉

Dear eBelgian sheeps,

I want to react to the A.T.O CP candidate, Beaver Juice’s article and bring some important precisions.

"eBelgium is ruled by the democratic majority controlled by all belgians and their satellites H.O.P.E. (Hopeless Opportunists for People Everywhere) that plays the role of opposition.”

As you know, we live in an eDictatorship where each vote equals a tax payer. If Res Belgica & ATO appears to be the two biggest parties, it's because I asked some people to move there to make theim appears so and attract more slaves to work for me.

I think that the adjective "democratic" is quite inadequate. Although officially all decisions are taken on the forum, in a public part accessible to all the eBelgian citizens, the proposals and decisions are taken on a private IRC channel (also known as #eBe_Cabine t where the password used to be JofroiforCP until someone figured it out). It's possible, for you and for the other, to follow the decision & the votes. Each citizen must obey the law voted, it's not necessary to be a Congress Member.

It's quite unfair to qualify ATO as a satellite of Res Belgica. In fact, it's the thirty seventh time that I present (and get elected) one of my candidates for the presidential. Are they my satellite? I usually qualify them as sheep’s, but you can also use another word if you prefer. As a proof, he received the support of the majority of the political parties after an excellent first term (of course I lead him from shadows) : ATO, Res Belgica, Belgium for Belgians, Netherlands BE Back, The Om Party and the Belgian Monarchist Party (Officially 133 members in total, you can add 132 shadow voters that we can use if ever).

I am the major actor with my own agenda where I don’t care of other’s opinion (unless I can profit it). It's not the party president who decides the order of the list but me, by a vote (alone).

"They (Res Belgica and their satellites All TOgethers and Netherlands BE Back (ex-BOL) have democratic legislative power and allow to vote any competition and it has been like this for some period of time."

Although eRepublik is based on an proportional vote system, I have corrupted enough officials. If you want to vote a law, you need to convince a minority of the elected players (me). It depends on you to suggest at least one law and to convince me that's a good opportunity for eBelgium.

"As we are majority, everyone loves us"

Personnally, I don't care but I found your article totally uninteresting (I felt asleep before the end). You should come on the forum to discover how serving me can be. If you don't know the link, here it is: http://www.erepbelgium.com/

Concerning your skeptical views on immigration offences & a possible PTO, A.T.O. CM have acces to the confidential official immigration part of the national forum. It could be interesting for them to come and discover the official threats that we're spreading, (there is actually none, but people obeys better if they believe there is a problem).

"They are legions, we are democracy. We have majority, they are mi nority. But I assure you, we are listening to them, we know reality and we have brains and we cannot be manipulated by noone."

Proofs that you are living In a carebear world? Which "reality" do you know? It could be necessary that you discover the reality of the “majority” of the eBelgian citizens before claiming that your views are the absolute reality...

Thanks for your reading and good vote,

Spokesman of Himself
Eternal Congress Member of eBelgium.
Eternal Shadow President of eBelgium
Former Official President of eBelgium
Former Party President of most eBelgian parties (Officially)
Former/Current Party President of all eBelgian parties (Unofficially)
Judge at the Supreme Court of eBelgium
Judge at the Supreme Court of Circle of Trusts
Media Mogul (x2)
Strongest eBelgian Fighter
Etc etc