Why Ghinsberg Holding is still a good deal after 364 % surge in share price!

Day 861, 05:50 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

Since our issue on the 26th of March our share price has risen to four times its initial value. A initial investment of 5G would be worth over 18G! How could it possible be worth more your probably asking now? We think that it should at least be worth the double, and in this number of Ghinsberg Report we are going to let you know why!

Our shares were issued at 0.25G per share with 520 outstanding shares, giving us a value of (520*0,25) 130 Gold. Each of those 130G is backed by real values from holdings of company, organisation, products, raw materials and cash in domestic currency and gold. After the over three surge isn share price, one could think that it should be inflated, though that is not the case. Ghinsberg Holding is one of the more sound valued companies of the ERX. Through the IPO we have raised approximately 135 Gold, out of these we have invested 90 Gold in a Real Estate company (Ghinsberg Real Estate), 5 Gold in an organization (Zissou Society) and 20 G in cash. Thereby adding 125 Gold to our initial value and doubling our Nominal Value! Below we will present some brief facts, a proper report will show up in the middle of next month. Figures in parenthesis states pervious report values.

Number of Organizations: 2 (1)
Number of Companies: 2 (1)
Number of employees: 16 (11)
Total Net Value: 250,5 (130) +92,7%
Market Cap: 350 (130) +169%
Share Price: 0.29 (0,0625) +364%

Going through some if the shares with high volume on ERX we find quite a few ones that are tremendously inflated! Low Cost travel, has a market value of 1 800 and only a net value of 223 Gold. Think of “Net value” as what you would get if the company were sold through the normal way, and “Market Cap” is how much the market think the company is worth.
If you are to pay more money should believe that the company will repay this discrepancy through dividends, expansion or future profits. That means this it doesn’t have to be a bad thing for a company to have a high valuation, it might just mean that everyone thinks they will perform extraordinary well in the future. But sometimes is quite obvious that something has got out of hand. Low cost travel have a market valuation eight times is net value, which is just ridicioulus. And there are loads of these companies, a lot of people have contacted me and asked for advice about picking stocks and as answer to all of you, watch our for these kind of valuations! Also, stick to companies that keep you informed, for all I know, some of the CEO’s could be sippin’ Pina Coladas in the Caribbean with their money right now!

Summing up why Ghinsberg Holding is still worth buying, prices has risen over three times, but the net value of the company is also twice what it was only four days ago! And when our Ghinsberg Real Estate starts making profit the next few days we will start adding even more to our net value! And not to forget Ghinsberg Arms, adding over 5G of profit a week!

Ghinsberg Holding