Who is Mohammad Bilal?

Day 2,258, 15:07 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal
Mohammad Bilal

Very little is known about Bilal, he seldom speaks out and when he does he means business.

Recently it came to my attention that the DarkFgt did quite a pathetic, racist and abusive radio show. Who the intended audience was is unknown but in that radio show he abused Mohammad Bilal.

I have had my differences with Bilal in the past and I have fought with him on numerous occasions but Bilal is a true patriot no one can question that. Bilal is quite literally on more than one occassion the back-bone of Pakistani Forces. His speciality is logistics. No one can distribute supplies and keep track of it like Bilal can. His dedication which can result in not even in getting 10 seconds of sleep is unmatched by anyone in Pakistan.

So when I heard this radio show, it upset me greatly. TheDarkFgt has hit time and time again against Pakistan ever since he bought his account, yet the PTI spokesperson kualkerr supports him and calls him a patriot. He defends his actions by saying TheJakal & Co taunted him but he refuses to accept the fact this started way before anyone said anything to him.

I hope and pray that the new PTI takes this action against TheDarkFgt and break all ties with this lunatic. Not only does he insult one of the greatest and silent heroes of Pakistan he has called all Pakistanis terrorists.

It is absolutely shameful and disgraceful that this is crazy person has so much support from the PTI. If Imran Khan played this game, he would probably rage quit.

The Hvriend Party of Pakistan will always protect the true sons of Pakistan and we will protest in all manners. Now that PTI is the largest party in Pakistan it has even greater responsibility to lead by example. Supporting drunkards who are against Pakistan just for monetary advantage is not a good example.

We lost soliders in the war against India in which DarkFgt sponsored and fought against Pakistanis.

It is high time the party members of PTI grow-up and accept responsibility for their actions, because if they continue down this dark path, there will be no PTI left.

So get rid of the DarkFgt and apologies to Mohammad Bilal and say sorry to all Pakistanis because one of your "most important" members has just taken a huge dump on Pakistan, whilst taking shots of rum.

P.S. I did not post the link to the radio show. It is abusive, pointless and quite disturbing to listen to.