Where Are They Now? (Part 1)

Day 1,172, 12:06 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Greetings eIsrael!

So I was enjoying a nice eRepublik day when I thought, " I wonder how my former eIsraeli friends are doing?"

So I made this article.

This is the first of a 2 (or 3) part series of Where Are They Now?, a look at how some of our best and brightest former eIsraelis are doing, and what eIsrael was able to do for them. None of them live in eIsrael anymore, but all of them have made a very important contribution to eIsrael in one way or another. So without further ado, let us begin!

They were all asked two simple questions:

1. What are you doing now?
2. How has eIsrael helped or hindered you on your journey through eRepublik?

Here's what they said.


Since I left eIsrael, I've been pretty busy. Right away I joined the eUS government as Media Secretary. I later went on to serve as Chief of Staff to President Lantrip, and I did another stint as Media Secretary for Josh Frost. I also ran for President against Frost in December, losing by 10% of the vote. In January I was a VP candidate. I've done some party building as well. As head recruiter and communications director, I helped take a party from 200 to 400 members in the course of about a month and a half, a nearly unprecedented jump in numbers. It has been a greatly rewarding time, but currently I am decreasing my level of activity a bit and focusing on side projects and Presidential advising. If you'd like to see what I'm working on now, check this out - http://wiki.eusaforums.com/Main_Page

eIsrael will always be my second home. In RL terms, it is where I grew up between the ages of 10 and 25. I learned to use IRC frequently. I learned to effectively coordinate and communicate with people. I learned how to run a party. I learned how to help as a Congress member. I learned to run elections. I learned how make deals. Most of all, I learned that a thriving community can conquer all problems, all woes, all threats. The community in eIsrael was vibrant and diverse and always interesting. It kept me playing this game and shaped me into the person I am today. I hope that, in some small way, my actions and efforts shaped eIsrael's future as well.


The most time i've spent on eRepublik was in eGreece, but sometimes it gets boring and i lose my will to play. That's why i travel around once every few months. That's how i ended up in eIsrael where I met all of u cool people. This period made me want to keep playing the game, so thank you very much! It was fun! Right now i'm on another trip like that to the eUSA, working for inci, but i'm keeping in touch with everything that happens in eGreece till i get eUS citizenship

Sir Valaro Volcrum

Where am I now? I'm now in the #6 party in the USA, quickly rising towards Top 5. I am the Public Relations Manager. People such as former Israeli President Joshua Hoss and former Israeli Defense Forces commander John Jay are also in the party leadership. In the eUS Military, I am commander of the eUS Cavalry training Regiment and part of the branch leadership.

Israel was a great way for me to explore other aspects of the game. I met lots of new players and made lasting friends. It kept me playing eRepublik. If I never went to Israel I would have quit after 8 months. Now 25 months later, I'm still playing and I'm really enjoying it. In Israel I learned a lot of lessons as well... however I made lots of enemies. To this day, I don't see myself going back. I'm too bitter over too much of the RL Israeli/RL Foreigner Divide which affects me so greatly (largely due to my high rising aspirations, which are both a blessing and a downfall).

Otherwise, I really do miss the old United Zionist Socialist Party, under Hyman Roth, Ezekiel Ben Or, myself, Sam Krakower, Jewyoyo and others such as Maelyn and Joshua Hoss. The history of the party can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-legacy-of-strength-the-uzsp-1429743/1/20


I'm currently in my second term as a Senator since returning to the US. I'm also preparing for a tough campaign for my party's leadership position. If I am successful, I might consider going further in my political ambitions. eIsrael saved my eLife many times but has also made it difficult at times. eIsrael gave me the opportunity to reach for higher things than just simply following orders. I was given the chance to prove myself as not only a player, but a leader. For that, I am truly thankful.

So as you can see, eIsrael has certainly been an important stop in many important eLives! Tune in next time for more of...Where Are They Now?

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower