When We Don't Follow the Rules....

Day 1,148, 07:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby


My personal opinion here folks. No need to tell me I am wrong or that I don't know what I am talking about. No name calling needed. I expect trolling, but I don't think that will solve anything either.

An "event" recently showed all of us that there is a problem here in Ireland. It probably is across the entire eWorld as I know it is across the Real World. Since I can't do anything about the rest of the eWorld I will focus on eIreland. Someone did not follow the rules. I will not name names and I hope that others who know what happened won't name names either. That is not what this article is about. The "event" was a small thing and the consequences probably will be nothing in the scheme of things. That is not the point.

The point is that when people run for office. They have a responsibility to follow the rules. In game mechanics, eRepublic laws and even laws that the Dail and other organizations create. If you accept the responsibility of holding office or even command in the military, you need to follow the established rules. You may not like them. That is fine. Work to change them. Don't just think that you are special and can do as you please since you know better than everyone else. Even if you DO know better than everyone else, you still don't break the rules.

Now what is the big deal you say? Oh I don't know; how about the total collapse of our economy, total conquest of eIreland, theft of businesses and treasuries to name a few.

Passwords are there for a reason. If you are lucky enough to be given access via password keep it secret. If you are responsible for running a company. Run is to your best ability and don't melt it down as a joke or to teach others a lesson. Don't steal from the Banc or Treasury and TDs don't give out citizenship to anyone but those who have been approved by the people whose responsibility it is to do so.

If you can't follow the rules then don't seek office. Unfortunately there is little that can be done to those who break the rules. We don't even seem to remember these "events" since many who have done some things in the past get appointed to the same positions again. It only hurts eIreland. It seems anytime things like this happen there is hardly ever any explanation as to why. Someone calls them on it and then name calling results. Someone always defends them as a "Hero" for some reason or another. It does not make it OK just because someone defended you.

So when we don't follow the rules... we all pay the price. eIreland will remain a small, minor eNation that can not supply itself to fight, have a stable economy or make much of a difference without relying on other nations. If that is the eIreland you want then keep on playing the way you have been. I for one don't want that.

Following the rules won't fix the problems of eIreland. But if we don't follow the rules then we can't fix the problems.

Thank You.