What is a CSRF attack?

Day 2,235, 14:01 Published in Chile Slovenia by cen1

I am sure every single player has stumpled upon this annoying message without any idea what the hell it means. CSRF attack is a type of a web attack which could sound quite technical to newbz but I will try to explain it the best way possible.

1. How interwebz work
The most simple way to describe the internet is in 3 steps:

1. You send a http request to a web server. For example "Give me a page at www.erepublik.com"
2. The web server at erepublik.com generates the requested page and sends it to your browser (or just sends the headless chicken in most cases)
3. Your browser renders the page

2. How can CSRF attack harm me?
Imagine this situation:

1. You are logged in to erepublik
2. Someone in shouts or on irc channel sends you a link to what seems to be a picture of a kitten. Or maybe a form to get tanks or really whatever he wants to lie about.
3. You click the link
4. The website you just opened is malicious. Via javascript/fake image link/hidden iframe etc... it sends a request to erepublik.com to donate money to the attacker.

How is it possible that some random site can send such a request to erepublik server you say? Well first thing first, you are already logged in to erepublik. With javascript you can also submit any form data to anywhere you want. The fake website can also contain something as simple as an image:


Your browser sees this "image" and tries to send a request to the server to get the image. But it's not an image.. it's a link to donate your money to the attacker. The image will obviously be broken but that does not matter.. the request was already sent. This is just an example because donations on erepublik do not go through link parameters but I hope you get the idea.

The actual way the donations work is via POST request, for example, this is the http header sent to erepublik web server when you donate:
POST /en/economy/donate-money-action HTTP/1.1
...random stuff which we don't have to explain...
citizen_i😛2417760 <-- you send to this guy
amount:1 <-- how much gold/cc
currency_i😛1 <-- gold or cc

If the attacker's website can send this information to erepublik web server you lose your gold/money. Or change your password.. or email.. or do anything really. It is as if you personally completed the form and clicked the Donate button except it was done by a malicious website. Hmm but what is that _token thing that we send from the form? Let's see that in point 3.

-you are logged in to erepublik or have autologin cookie
-you open a malicious website
-the website sends a request to erepublik.com servers to do something bad to your account. It can be via javascript, image links or some other method.

3. How to prevent a CSRF attack?
The usual way to prevent CSRF attack is by form tokens. When you login, the website generates a random string of some length and that is your token for that login session.
This random token is then added to every single form in the game and you send it together with other information everytime you submit the form. The web server then compares your sent token with the one it has stored at the start of the session and if they match your form submission is legit.

How does this prevent the attack? Well, check the HTTP header in bold above. If the attacker is erepublik player he can easily check in page source what parameters he needs to send, he can check your player ID and currency id is just 0 or 1. So the attacker knows all the parameters which need to be sent.. except token. He can't know the token because it was randomly generated everytime you login.

But hey.. can't the attacker simply request the donation page with javscript and see the token this way? No.. there is something called "same origin policy" in webbrowsers which basically means that one open website can't request any other website outside it's domain.

From W3.org about same origin policy:
An origin is defined by the scheme, host, and port of a URL. Generally speaking, documents retrieved from distinct origins are isolated from each other. For example, if a document retrieved from http://example.com/doc.html tries to access the DOM of a document retrieved from https://example.com/target.html, the user agent will disallow access because the origin of the first document, (http, example.com, 80), does not match the origin of the second document (https, example.com, 443).

Although the same-origin policy differs between APIs, the overarching intent is to let users visit untrusted web sites without those web sites interfering with the user's session with honest web sites.

This makes sense because you can't just allow some random website to open your e-bank page right?

In order to circumvent the same origin policy, the attacker would somehow need to place his javascript code on erepublik.com page. This way the javascript being executed would be on the same domain as the page being requested. How could he possibly do that?? It's called an XSS exploit and we will learn about this exploit in our next lesson.

Ultimately, the reason why you get the CSRF attack error is because your login session expired and a new token must be generated. The only solution is to re-login.

Yes, I did get CSRF attack error when writing this article. One solution to the problem is to increase the login session time. Especially for article writers. Luckily at least now erepublik saves the article drafts for us.