What Critics Fail To Realize

Day 1,620, 20:14 Published in Sweden Australia by Septimius Maximinus

While some governments run by people calling themselves Communists have been responsible for horrible acts of violence and repression, notably the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, much if not most of the violence often blamed on revolutionary governments and parties is actually the responsibility of the conservative, reactionary, capitalist governments and parties. ... Many revolutions have been relatively peaceful, including the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Vietnamese Revolution of 1945 . The bloodshed comes when those formerly in power initiate a civil war, or foreign armies invade, trying to reestablish capitalist, feudal, or colonial power. …While we think that an objective, detailed analysis of most situations over the last century would conclude that capitalist and reactionary governments and parties are responsible for most of the violence, it is true that Communists have engaged in armed struggle, are not pacifists, and that some who called themselves Communists have engaged in repressive tactics.

-Quote from RL CPUSA

Dictators looking for some ideology to blame for their own problems is Communism because they know it can really work.

North Korea is a Military Dictatorship, and it just uses Communism as a justification to rule.

Stalin did not stay true to the Communist Ideology and issued his own form of Fascism.

The United States Funded dictators like Saddam Hussein, and Augsto Pinochet, and gave them weapons!

The United states gave Saddam Hussein Poison Gas to use Against Iran in the Iraq-Iran War, then after Communism had fallen in a major superpower (USSR) They invaded Iraq to cover up their mistakes, They Funded the Taliban and Mujadeen and Al Queda, till the terrorists back stabbed them.

Thanks Comrades

General Theo

Comrade and Fellow Prolateriate.