Well done King Hannibal

Day 1,853, 11:15 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob

This article is basically to say well done to King Hannibal who has just won the PP elections and is now PP of New Era

The full result of the elections was:

King Hannibal of Asia 43 votes
wigibob (me) 17 votes (17 is my lucky number)
James Scarlet 14 votes
Jordan Jenkins 3 votes
surferdude 2 votes
jori2Albania 2 votes

well done to all candidates, everyone got at least 2 votes which is a marvellous result for all (there maybe a few dissapointed people though)

I am sure that King Hannibal will bring us even more success this month

well, thats it until the next elections, what will happen then, only time will tell

so unless your clock tells you who is going to win the next election you will just have to wait but lets just enjoy what should be a successful month for us with hannibal in charge before that

Thanks for reading


writing in progress