We lost Rhone Alps, but the world isn't over

Day 886, 14:37 Published in Poland Spain by Durruti
Hi Poland!

Today we have lost a battle, true, but now it's time to stay calm and not to lose our minds. Why? PNX have "won" a battle in which they have their best MPPs activated just against Poland alone, with other important regions being attacked too.

We were close to secure all, although finally they could won after more than 1-hour-overtime. They needed to spent tons and tons of GOLD to win a battle which they have a much better situation than us: they were on the offensive, MPPs, etc.

Now it's time to fly back to Poland, take some rest and think in new targets in order to continue being the TOP1 country in the game, as you have been during the last 3 months.

Other important point it's to keep all together, like the old times. Luckyly, last days have been very good for us, because we have forgotten all our differences and have started to work as a true alliance. That was the key for our old success, and we have recovered it.

So, now in these hard times, don't forget this: UNITED WE STAND.