Vote Jofroi for party president!

Day 1,603, 10:36 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

I plan to bring greatness back to ATO and to crush down other parties that have more red in their logo than we have. No longer shall we be plagued by weak and powerhungry politicans who do nothing for the people and state that the other don’t either. We need strong, bold members who are willing to stand before everything for their ideals (or against other ideals, I’m also fine with it, as long as you are on our side). Vote me for the ATO PP elections and you won't regret it!

(There are more socialists on planes than communists, true story).

My Goals

1 To keep Belgium independent from any occupation. Specially from the communist one.

2 To keep a stable and corrupt political scene (hey, how would I pay my daily training and my 500 hits/day without 100 gold/day from the state?)

3 To allow new players and capable eplayers to get into Belgium and in to the game, especially Polish groups and let them begin an eBelgium forum dictatorship.

4 - War is awesome. The foreign people do not give it up their country voluntarily, they are coerced into doing so but it is fun if we are the invaders! And what are these wars used on? On increasing the damage of our citizens. To people active within our country! Wars are nice (as long as it is on foreign lands). They must and will be launched.

5- The power of the GOV will be reinforced and will cease to exist in its current form. We will abolish the already existing laws and rebuild our sovereign region around a strong leader.

6- All people and all nations are equal (excepted our future leader who will be above all). No one is illegal (excepted ptoers)! All forms of communism shall be done away with.
These are the principles I believe in. I aim to unite people around our eternal leader not divide ourselves over petty arguments. Together united, we'll never be defeated. I urge all who share these ideals to come and join us. Together we will build a society where one individual will be the others master!

Eternal VP Jofroi