Day 2,861, 19:24 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

First, it seems Rylde’s supporters are forgetting that Rylde had already resigned before the revolution. Now there talking like he was ousted. He ran away before the revolution. You know what they say about rats and ships?

I have asked congress to make changes to the definition of President as a way to outline when Canada will support a dictator so we can avoid this mess in the future.

I would like the Charter to be amended to reflect the following.

For a dictator to be considered President as defined by the charter the dictator must be approved in one of the two following ways:

1. The would be dictator must announce publicly in game his intent to bring the country to a dictatorship and then win the CP title in game prior to bringing the country to dictatorship.

2. Congress votes by 66% majority to approve a dictator.

If approved the dictator shall remain in his role as CP for the purposes of these forums until he fails to win a CP election. At that time he will have no official status on these forums and will be considered illegitimate.

It seems Rylde’s Whorehouse members have no intention of limiting Rylde’s ability to coup us and pretend legitimacy any time he wants. I don’t think I have set the bar to high here.

95% of countries run a dictatorship with the elected CP filling the role already. I’m not opposed to allowing that as well. I just want to put the power of deciding back into your hands not just one person’s hands that just happens to spend way too much money on this game.

If someone becomes a dictator outside these reasonable limits there will be no confusion as to their legitimacy. They will be an illegitimate dictator.

If we do not get these changes I believe our only choice would be to go to a defensive dictatorship. Where we use a neutral MU to coup ourselves and put the elected CP in as commander. Then any attempt to bring us to an illegal dictatorship would be expensive and we would have the game mechanic protections.

I personally would prefer to stay at democracy along with these minor changes. I know it would not stop anyone from coup’ing but there will be no pretending legitimacy again.

The congress election is just a few days away. I don’t want to speak for other parties but I ask that if you support democracy that you vote only for parties that support and are prepared to fight for democracy.

Do not vote for the Rylde’s Whores.

Vote for democracy. Vote for the CPF and PFC and parties that support democracy.

This is the most important congressional election in recent memory. Your vote will decide if your vote will matter in the future. Use it.

Yours respectfully,

Exalted Druid