Vote for CrayolaButthole for UIP Party President

Day 963, 17:37 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

Hello My fellow eAmericans and UIPers,

Today i am addressing you with my platform of the election. I will soon address my concerns, goals, and what i plan to do to help the party. Before I tell you more about what i want to do, let me tell you who i am. My Name Is CrayolaButthole, I currently Live in Pennsylvania, I was born last year in Maryland. I am almost 1 year old, and by no way am i a noob. I have held several sec positions in the UIP, including Sec of Communications, Mentoring, and Chief of Debate, i have worked on all of the UIP teams. I am an Investigative Agent. I helped to found the First UIP Militia, It didn't really work out and they folded, but a new Militia was formed soon after. I have alot of leadership and credentials that will help me run this party. Me along with my cabinet will make the UIP bigger and stronger then it is now. Now let me explain to you my views of the party.

New Players
I love seeing new players join the UIP. I am almost the first one to greet them. As of right now i think we do a pretty fair job at explaining Erepublik to them. What i would like to see formed is a stronger Welcoming Committee team, And a stronger Mentoring team. They would offer help, information, food, any other info they need they can count on the UIP Welcoming Committee. As of right now the UIP doesn't have a strong Mentoring team and what i want to create. I believe if players really get to know and understand the game mechanics they will stay longer.


Wellness Program
I plan to bring back a stronger UIP Wellness boast program. I believe in V.2 food is a must need, but the problem is that some people cant work, due to the weak job market in V.2. No Job means no food. No food Means death. I plan to create a team that will be able to offer Q1 or low quality food for free. This will be the UIP’s soup kitchen.

In V.2 many new people are joining. With the influx of new citizens the UIP need to step up with our recruiting. Since the start of this month I have not seen any or much recruiting. Now in order to be a Strong party, we must recruit. If we have a much steadier recruiting team in the future we could be the number 1 party in the eUS. My Goal would be at least 100 new members by the end of my term. If we make that goal i will donate 20 gold to the UIP party. Yes 20 GOLD to the Party.

UIP has done well the past couple of months. Sending nearly 10 members to congress every month. In my term i would like to see at least 14 members make congress. Now with V.2 it may be difficult to have a UIP MVP. But if we can use the MVP and it will be effective I want to see at least 40 MVP agents. If we have that many agents we may be able to send more UIP members to congress.

Probably the best thing that the UIP has done was to create an Investigative Service. These men and women screen Congress candidates, party members and carry out countless activities. This program is our FBI. As of right now the UIP has at least 10 agents, by the end of my term i would like to see at least 15 agents.

Now Business is tricky the UIP has our own Party companies. In V.2 it is more difficult to run a company then in V.1. But the UIP has great companies that i want to see continue running. The UIP must set up a business team to run these companies. This team would have the task of tracking worker health, productivity, and also salary.

My view on communications is that information is a good thing. and keeping our members informed is a must. We must inform our UIP members, weather its a PM, a shout or just a newspaper article. The thing is that this team is the most important team. Now for this team i would like to see more members join the team. Because with more members joining we can send info out faster and at a faster pace.

Now education would mostly be the UIP mentor program. Now the UIP as of now doesn't have any classes. I don't think many of the UIP cab members agree with the creation of a UIP University. But maybe if we run a UIP noob class every week. This class could explain the basics to the UIP noobs.

The UIP TIL Militia hasn't really carried out missions yet. The Militia must recruit to operate, and in my term i want to see the TIL recruit at least 20 Militiamen. I want to see a fully operating TIL Militia by the end of my term. If we can i would like to see a unit that could deploy overseas.

So here are my goals for the UIP

* Increase UIP membership by 100 by the end of my term.
* Get 14 elected to congress, and possibly 40 MVP members.
* Increase the IIS to 15 members
* Get 20 TIL recruits

If elected into the office of UIP PP. I will start with the assigning of cabinet positions. Then once my cabinet is all situated I will start with the enacting of the new UIP Constitution. I believe that is a must, and will be the first thing on my agenda. The UIP constitution must be enacted soon, if not now then it will never be. When all the teams are situated we will then start the process of achieving our goals. These can be done, no goal is to much to accomplish. As long as we put our mind, and work to it, along with man power we can accomplish anything and make this party, a number 1 party in several months.

So with all that info above if that doesn't get me elected i don't know what will. I Want to run a fair and equal campaign. I will not trash my fellow candidates, I wish you the best. I believe i am best fit for this job because i am the type of person that will not give up. I also have a mind that anything can be done, as long as we put our minds to it, we can make this term one of the most successful PP terms in awhile.
So if you want a leader that will help this party.
Vote for the Butthole,me Crayolabutthole on July 15th.
Yours truly,
UIP PP Candidate