Vote Coin/Killah

Day 1,976, 15:52 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Hello everyone! I know that we are still quite a while away from the next American Progressive Party Presidential election, but I would like to my candidacy in the upcoming election. My close friend Alexander Coin and Fhaemita Malodorous will also be running in the next election. Well, I'd just like to go over some things. We all know about what our former party president Mercurius100 did for us and our party. So far under the Malodorous Administration, Alexander Coin has been appointed Vice President and I, eKillah, was appointed Spokesperson. That's why I'm in charge of the APP Newsletter. Although, Fhaemita has done very good so far in his first term as an APP party president, not his first term as a PP. Fhaemita was also the former party preident of the United States Worker Party, which coincidently is the same party Mercurius left us for. Coin beleives that Fhaemita wasn't the 'most capable' of running the party. This is where I disagree, I beleive that Fhaemita is very capable of running the party, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be PP or VP. Still as I said before Fhaemita is very capable, but I believe that Alexander Coin and I can do better.

Under the Coin/Killah Administration we look to continue Mercurius100's work and then build upon it. This is another reason I suggested that we continue the APP Bulletin.

Here are some more ideas that Coin and I have for the party:

We plan to help more players than ever before, and like the federalist Party and Revolutionary Party we plan to add a military unit to our party, this will cause those military-minded players to join our MU. Although, we won't require them to join the party, we will recommend and encourage it. our ultimate goal is to make the APP into a top 10-5 party. Another idea Coin suggested is that we split the APP into 5 parts.
Here are his exact words here is the original article: New Election, New Reform

"The First Party specializes in Politics. This is where members can become Ambassadors. Congressman(woman), and even other political leaders. The members will have mentors in which they will guide the player into helping them succeed into their political career. The mentors will be experience players of eRepublik, and will be apart of the Party to help anyone in need. The members of this Party Alliance will have the choice to either stay and rise up the ranks by election, or join the Main Party.

The Second Party specialized in Journalism. Here the members will be reporters of the American Progressive Newsletter, having experience leaders, and Chief Journalist to analyze and edit any Articles that are made. For this Party, Members will have to contain a specific requirement of Subscribers, and Articles to rise up in the ranks of not only the Party, but to transfer as well. The journalist will have to learn how to multitask to juggle their duties as reporters, and directors of their own Newsletter(Again the members will have the option onto staying in the Party or transferring).

The Third Party specializes in becoming an Economist. This is where members can learn how the economy works, from Company owners, and many other Economists. They will learn the basics and the ropes onto developing their skills, so that they can help others with their work as well. This Party also specializes in helping the other Parties into giving resources to other members. This will be effective when a member needs food or weapons to further their tasks, or missions in the game.

The Fourth Party is becoming an Officer of the American Progressive Military Unit. Here we will have members going into the Military for eUSA and fighting for our Country!! The Commander will be leading both the Party, and the MIlitary Unit. Here many members will rise in the ranks within the Military in order to become strong players in the game. As well the members of this party will have the option to stay, or transfer after they reach the rank of Commander in the Military Unit.

The Last Fifth Party will be the Original Party: the American Progressive Party. Here all the leaders, and transfer members will be in this Party. It will the central Party of the Party Alliance. This Party will contain original members from the Party, and will set rules of conduct, regarding with how we the Party Alliance function.

In the end the Presidents of all the Five Parties will become the Board of American Progressive. Here is where the real rules of conduct is created, and a set of Constitution will be created to honor the Party Alliances. The Five Presidents will be in contact with one another, and help each other, votes will be done by a ⅔ vote.

I am ready to lead this Alliance to the top, but to further plan this idea out, i must need you help and vote. This plan is not complicated, but like i said, it takes time and effort to completely finish the works, and learning it, is not that hard."

Vote for Coin/Killah!