Union - Unie suport PTO'er

Day 2,211, 04:14 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Good Evening eBelgium and my dear sheeple,

It's time for a new article and a small update on Union-Unie.

Now that our country is under the pink occupation we have the chance to support a candidate. We held an internal vote between me and my friends and got the following results:

A shocking fact, our 5 members aren't really that active but on the other hand some people stated that the vote was unfair as there was only one candidate which isn't true as we had a dummy 'Director9' (I'm not just saying this because he's the gaylord of #epinklove but on the other hand I'd like to get promoted there 😛 for my sevices in pinklove)

Still that needs to change but the article isn't about that, it's about making u follow us.

Union-Unie is proud to support MaryamQ and her goals for our eHome. We are convinced that she and SEAL TEAM 6 will do a great job and I can say that she will do a much better job then our previous CP (She promissed us GOLD).

And as usual, I'll leave you with my nice graphics, two for the price of one as I couldn't decide which one to choose.

I have to give credit to Konrad neuman to help us in this fine pink loving country 🙂


Union-Unie is a small but fast growing party of eBelgium.

Our goals, in short, are:
- UNITY: We collaborate with all greedy people in the EWorld
- FAIRNESS: Pay taxes and respect our authority
- EQUALITY: No importance on playing age, language, RL nationality. All of you are welcome to pay taxes
- DEMOCRACY: Important decision are taken democratically between me and my friends

Thank you for your attention
