To a good future in Eaustralia

Day 2,065, 20:59 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

In light of the recent Party elections and the future Parliament Elections ( I do not refer to it as Congress, that is the legislature of the united states which is a country i despise.) And in hopes of a successful election in that regard I post this moral boosting video Note this is a game in the video however I am not advertising I am only posting this as entertainment.

Enjoy the video. Remember Not advertising, just entertainment.

English lyrics

Our Soviet Union, will conquer the world!
From Europe to Neva, The east and beyond
Hail mother Russia, and every one will sing
Capital, Vodka, Our Great Soviet Bear
All peoples stand that, their fortress secure
That Great Lenin lead us, the nation to light
From faithful workers, a great full low bow
From the most powerful nation on the earth!

Our Brotherhood is a good life, Our generosity is without compare
All those with us are strong, all those against us, beware.
It'd be a shame, if we had hardships.
To all those around us, it's not worth your while
If we were to turn you to ashes,
We thank you profoundly, and bow to you deeply
From the mightiest nation in the world!