The Worker's News P1

Day 1,678, 12:03 Published in Sweden Australia by Septimius Maximinus

I just decided to put stuff here for people who didn't know.

Spotlight on Argentina, President Eliseo Reload Of Argentina has refused an interview on the political well being of Argentina. As you know Argentina has been under rule from the Military for quite some time now, and every once in a while they try to hide it by using a puppet party to run for president. But President Eliseo Reload ran under the Military party and then after he won he switched to a centrist puppet party. I have PM'ed him asking for an interview and asking some questions about policies of Argentina but the president refused to answer any of them and refused the interview leaving us all in a state of wonder about a possible Military dictatorship there.
Canada has had some good presidents and some bad ones but some have been good at fighting off Rolo for quite some time in till Rylde came along. He has a Coalition of his MDP, Military Dictatorship Party, and Norsfire to rule his militristic Fascist regieme in Canada. Now let's just wait an hope that spain can push Canada all the way and annex them for now, maybe create a puppet government? That is my dream that is what i would do. But we have to wait and see.
Elect Theolor for Congress on the 25th!

I am Running for congress in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, under my Ideals and Ideology of Theoism, Marxism, Patriotic and Athoritarian Socialism and Sweden First Policy. Not only vote for me but vote for Swedens best party Arbetarepartiet MSAP.

Picture propaganda for theolor.