The Wet Fart

Day 2,175, 06:14 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Live Sharp Look Smart

Was sitting here minding my own business, reading through a few articles on eRepublik, right? (Mind you, I have been reading some classic B. Franklin lately.) And I came across some comments from RGR and that made me ponder....

The Wet Fart

The wet fart is an abomination unto mankind. It is like an assassin, or sniper. It sneaks up on you under guise of humble air, and bursts upon the scene with irreversible consequences.

The wet fart is a Trojan Horse, a spy guised in his enemy's uniform. It is an unfair foe. There are no gastrointestinal warnings of a liquified defecation, no frightening murmurings of the colon. And, just when one thinks one is about to vent a nice, pleasant left cheek sneak, mayhem.

I despise the wet fart. But only from a philosophical standpoint, because I, of course, have never experienced one. But it is an avocation of mine to interview people about their wet farts, and take copious notes.

Well, it's a hobby, actually. A very disturbing hobby.

Ya'll sleep tight. And put a cork in it.