The weekly lottery report

Day 4,541, 16:29 Published in USA USA by KingTaco

Hello all! Thank you for coming to my weekly lottery report, where the image is too busy with google images and the content is as thrilling as a dead walrus behind taco bell. Take that as you will.

Before we get too into this, and I know you will because we are all sluts for useless information - please leave a comment below on the current social-ecological model that is being reformed in the current eClimate as new political parties take power and old ones are still awesome. Or just say hi I don't care I just need 25 comments. I was just talking out of my ass I have no idea what I just said.

Song of the week.

because eRepiblik won't fix their stuff, click the title of the video to be taken to it.

listen to this while you read this, keep in mind this song is explicit. He says no no words. I love this band.

As always, the lottery can be found here:
And in my articles, every so (too) often!

Lottery Assistance Program
Let's start with the lottery assistance program because it's first in my notes.
Food donated : 10,350 q5
Food bought: 11,400 (to date)
Program Expenses: $22,118cc
Apply here: Open to all members of the alliance CODE each and every 24 hours.
I check the applications twice a day, and the processes are nearly automated to make donations quick and easy! All I have to do is click a link and donate the food on eRepublik 🙂 I don't have to do any thinking or math or anything! It's an efficient system. I think.

Page traffic analytics
This data is ANONYMOUS and powered by google
331 visits, 306 new.
633 sessions spending about 6.4 minutes a visit.
Most popular countries:
The United States, 38 users
Turkey, 34 users
Greece, 25 users
Italy, 14 users
Most popular browser
Chrome, 248 users
Firefox, 43 users
Safari, 22 users
Opera, 8 users
MS Edge, 1 user. lol.
Most popular operating system
Windows, 219 users
Android, 70 users
iOS, 25 users
Mac, 9 users
Chrome OS, 1 user
Page refreshes/site hits

one sec there is a fly in my damn room, it's driving me crazy.

Lottery account
Lifetime budget of $504,799
Broken down as follows:
Private funding: $85,000
Personal account: $281,000
Sponsors: $114,499
Lottery income: $24,300
...Non entry endorsements: 292 ($14,600cc)
...All endorsements: 540 ($27,000)
- Total won $187,070
- Program Expenses $22,118
= Total remaining balance of $295,611 cc

In-game player statistics
Top 10 participating countries
USA: 88, Greece: 15, Turkey: 11, Croatia: 11, Argentina: 10, Brazil: 9, Iran: 7, Hungary: 7, Serbia: 7, Finland : 6.

I got the fly.

Top 10 participating political parties
We The People: 38, Federalist Party: 13, Socialist Freedom Party: 9, Nea Poreia: 9, The Black Sheep Party: 6, Wanhat Parrat: 5, AY YILDIZ PARTISI: 4, Hrvatska demokratska stranka: 4, Union Militar Argentina: 4, PARTIDO MILITAR: 4

Really and truly thank you all for participating, you are more awesome than winning free tacos for like.
JK that's not possible. but really, thank you

To date game statistics
Games hosted
10 finished, 15 total
Current active games
Total current lottery prize pool
Unique participants
Lifetime lottery entries
Lifetime winners
Mister Y - $25,500
RegExpression - $11,000
TopDad - $1,800
Siaan Kaan - $13,000
Malpazar - $5,600
TopDad - $30,000
fpz0rrrr - $10,000
Harvey500 - $6,500
G.V.Plechanov - $50,000
diamas4 - $33,670

Congrats to all the winners! 🙂

Total cc awarded
Shares on people's friends wall

Notice how I changed the way I displayed the data like 3 times. Interesting huh? I'm too lazy to fix it so I hope it wasn't too confusing. I had to rewrite like half of this article because eRepublik is SUPER dumb and didn't post like 60% of the article I wrote when I clicked submit, even though the preview was current. Fix your stuff eRepublik. For real.

Anywho, Thank you very much to all that participated. It really means a lot to me. You can find a lot of this information and more here:
please subscribe, vote and comment!

See you on the other side
with much love,