The views of our nation - Part 1

Day 2,388, 01:27 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Fourteen days ago I sought the 'views of the nation' in an effort to encourage respect in public dialogue to elevate the quality of politics in our country. This to enable a more intelligent dialogue on public issues to attract all citizens to take part. To rise us all above the partisanship which at times threaten to cripple our country.

For their contribution of views I'd like to thank;
Lazarus Eternal

I've only tried to group the views together in themes I identify. I've chopped up a few of the views provided me to do so however I hope I haven't taken away the original meaning from any of them.

I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Views onour alliance and MPPs

The theme of 'core' allies came across strongly

"I believe that we should try to have less so called 'brother' type of relationships and instead only have 2 or 3 allies who we would sacrifice everything for..."

"...It would seem of more benefit to me if we had a smaller number of MPPs active with a tighter knit group of allies..."

"We should have a few core Allies, people who we can rely on to help us and that we'll do everything to help them..."

Additionally the need for strategic thinking

"Strategic planning is the key here I think, The eUK need to maintain its Sirius obligations obviously and seek to develop closer and more efficient manners of inter-alliance communication with our allied partners. We should be working on more joint conflict operations with deeper integration of the allied MoD teams to allow for greater gain and more effective defence of our territories."

"...maybe 6 or 7 additional strategic MPPs where needed"

"...MPPs should be well considered and thought out, used strategically, and carefully..."

Finally the theme of stability was evident although challenged by flexibility

"Alliance is fine for the moment. I wouldn't like to see it change in the near future"

"Stable stick with Spoland."

"I see these issues intertwined and should be summed up in two words: Flexibility and Friendship. To be flexible when a major shift occurs is important as well as when we are looking at our MPP list. We need to be able to make pragmatic decisions and not be bound purely by our past relationships - whether as allies or enemies. Friendship is important, as this is a game built on alliances and warfare. We should be able to end up on opposite sides to a nation and still be friends."

Views on the UK economy

The support for low taxation is very present

"lower taxes..."

"Maintain low rates of Tax across the board, This stimulates growth and reduces inflation which is key especially for low lvl/new players..."

"Keep a careful eye on our finances. Keep taxes low so as to foster a kindly environment to young players..."

"...we should be less tax orientated and try and make the eUK a tax haven which attracts investment and business, I know people will say we can't pay for MPPs and expenses with low taxes but I believe that we can and in time will try and explain in better detail if I find the time or need..."

Although some support for an increase in taxation or flexibility in this area

"UK economy will benefit from higher work taxes and lower food taxes. a lot of young players need to buy a lot of food to fight for UK."

"...flexibility between allowing the market to develop and ensuring the government has enough money for whatever projects it needs and combat order"

Finally re-organisation and investment into our citizens was a strong theme

"Work on re-organising/re-structuring the Ministry of Finance/Bank Of England to serve as a proper and functioning loans/development fund institution. More loans/bursaries/grants to aid new and old players to reach their goals and stimulate growth in the eUk economy."

"...not be afraid to reinvest a portion of our income into our players, a healthy and happy player base should bolster our economy overtime..."

"If we calculated our MPPs more strategically (currently 13) then we would have an additional source of income to better supply our players..."

Views on Our society and the rights of new citizens and established citizens

The theme of positivity and play came forward

"I Shall simply quote Plato. "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.""

"quizzes and prizes"

"...need to better integrate newer players into our community if we are to expand our population rather than filling them with fear of doom and gloom at every turn."

The themes of trust, power sharing however with some patience came across strongly

"We need to start to understand that just because older players have more experience that does not automatically mean they know what's best for our nation, we need to find a much better balance between citizens and political partys, everyone should have a place and respect should be given where due to the older players..."

"The old should try to help the new, not just exploit them. That being said, it would be ideal for players to spend at least a month or so in the community before trying to take charge of it..."

Finally the need for education and support mechanisms seemed like an important view shared

"An improved welcoming and mentoring system needs to be in place. The biggest difficulty I have had is trying to get my head around who's who, what's happening and what the political situation is like both in the eUK and wider world. I felt kind of thrown in at the deep end and left to figure said things out myself. I could have done with someone impartial approach me and let me know what is currently happening, where to go and what I could do."

"The NHS is a very helpful organisation that has helped me a lot over the past week. Maybe introducing, either via the NHS or another organisation, a automatic welcome package too new citizens would help new players see the benefit of the system and help draw them in and keep them active."

"...continued inclusion and education..."

"Keep up with NHS scheme and eBrit University. New players really benefit from these a lot. I myself used them."

Views on Members of Congress use of Citizenship Passes

Control was a very strong theme

"Some restrictions under a committee"

"We need to have an official system of approval for citizens. We should only be spending CS passes on people who seem reliable and unlikely to just migrate to a new country in a few weeks (With the exception of the occasional traveling diplomat). Applicants should be should at least be contacted prior to their acceptance, and we should try keeping some sort of (at the minimum) temporary record."

"Maybe don't give them out at all for a while. Certainly the count of approved citizenships must be really small..."

"I think we need an overlord on Immigration, or, at least, a concerted decision to not let in players without at least consultation from a committee..."

"Unsure of the game mechanics of how Citizenship Passes work but is it possible to set up some sort of Immigration Department. A few elected, trusted people that can allow or reject requests..."

"Citizenship should represent an investment to all who would attempt achieve it. It must be given sparingly and only after thorough and detailed investigation. National integrity should be maintain, PTO threats more vigilantly detected and defeated..."

Congress' (Parliament's) role in citizenship was also brought forward

"All efforts should be taken to restore the good name of parliament/congress, radical and anarchist elements should at all cost be averted from ruining its reputation and standing amongst the citizenry."

"The fact remains that the laws of the game allow for Congress members to approve whoever they choose into the Country and as a forward thinking nation we should never try and change that, yes it's good to monitor who is coming into our shores but lets encourage and welcome new citizens so that we can expand our military and economy, if we fear a PTO then we need to use our 'friendly' citizenship passes wisely like was done in the last elections, but this should be done only to stop a foreign PTO I do not approve of silencing the voice of others like was done on the 15th."


I hope this project brought forward a slightly more non-partisan view of the UK and will benefit all who currently reside in the UK. I also hope these views along with other views I see from our citizenship outside this project on articles and feeds will continue to be a very important part of why we do things as oppose to the 'power struggle' we often witness in the media.

I've called it 'Part 1' as I do invite further contributions or even a change of view from those who have already contributed. It can be a line or two or some paragraphs if you'd like however please answer all four questions. It's my hope I'll be able to include the views of many more citizens in 'Part 2'.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs