The views of our nation - Introduction

Day 2,373, 11:54 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

"Citizens of Hope and Glory
Time goes by it's "the time of your life"
Easy now, sit you down
Chewing through your Wimpy dreams
They eat without a sound
Digesting England by the pound


We all fall into dystopian fears now and again however I along with my fellow WRP members are keen to encourage respect in public dialogue to elevate the quality of politics in our country. This will enable a more intelligent dialogue on public issues to attract all citizens to take part. To rise us all above the partisanship which at times threaten to cripple our country.

Currently our main political debates seem to be all about 'power' who should hold it and who should me a cankerous old man however I say it's been too long since I've really felt I've understood where the major parties of the UK would like to lead us...hence I'm bypassing the parties of the UK and going straight to the citizens they represent.

With this in mind I'm offering UK citizens 10 Q7 Weapons for your views on the future of our country to compensate/reward/encourage the time you'll hopefully spend replying.

Your views

To obtain the 10 Q7 weapons you must be a UK citizen and either send me a personal message or comment below with your view of your preferred future on the following topics;

Our alliance and MPPs

The UK economy

Our society and the rights of new citizens and established citizens

Members of Congress use of Citizenship Passes

It can be a line or two or some paragraphs if you'd like however you must answer all four questions to be eligible for the Q7 weapons

With the results (if I get any replies!), I'll summarise and publish a non-partisanship article in a few weeks regarding the view of our nation.


I'm really not sure how this will go for a variety of reasons however I'm interested in trying to obtain a slightly more unbiased view of the UK as much as for my own interests as the benefits I think this endevour will have on all who currently reside in the UK.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs