The Union of Kim Il Sung children’s

Day 1,604, 09:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

As current (and future) party president of All TOgethers, I have launched negociations with other foreign parties to create an international organization that would fight on an international stage for our ideas. Under the lead of our great comrade zwsugar, leader of the great Worker’s Party of North Korea and with other parties (list hereunder), we have decided to create the Union of Kim Il Sung children’s.

Worker’s Party of North Korea

All TOgethers

Parti Juchéen de France

Communist Party of eKorea

Stalinist Party

The goal of this union is to promote the management style of Kim Il Sung, that was also later used by his son, the eternal leader Kim Jong Il and that we hope will also be used by his grandson Kim Jong Un. For that, the members of the union will

-Promote other party members all over e-world
-Support other party members all over e-world (PTO action, members stealing, mass hacking, etc.)
-Delete others ideas, contents etc...
-Create an international Goulag (If feasible, but not straight away, Capitalists are hard to manage)
-As the pact strengthens, we may see the inclusion of larger and more ambitious goals as for instance a world domination of North Korea!

As the great leader knows what is the best for the citizens, we will also launch petitions and try to convince eRepublik admins to remove the voting rights.

As it is expected to be a hard work, we will have daily meetings (1 month eRep= 4 year RL, having a meeting only once a month would be rather stupid) to coordinate our actions and prepare the future of the workers of all nations.

If you have any amendments you would like to make and that we have not thought about yet, don’t say it it’s probably a stupidity!

Eternal Vice Leader of eBelgium