The Truly Free Cannot Be Suppressed

Day 1,913, 17:58 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Dear eWorld,

The truth must come out eventually

You may like to suppress my speech speaking the truth on the United States hypocritical policies and try to stop the truth from spreading, they don't want the truth let out, they don't want their mistakes and failures admitted. They will stop at nothing to bully the world and try to keep people in check, however the Secret Police are everywhere and even in the evil nation, they can make you vanish from the face of the earth. I have come to spread the truth, to tell the people of the world the truth and the attrocities of THEM.

So go ahead and delete my articiles and try to silence me however the truth will always find its way out eventually and you all will find out that they are controling your mind spreading their evil propaganda into your brains. You must see the light, the truth can never be held back. They say we are free, but we are far from...

IS this spam? Considering it is my paper and i can write what i want, it is not spamming. Im not spamming anyone's mail, or some one elses newspaper so how is it spam? you tell me. I am not advertising or insulting anyone nor am i showing porn or being racist.

So tell me? How is this spam? This is my paper i Decide what is spam in my paper no one else.


~ Theolor ~