The Training War has begun …… The Training War has Ended.

Day 3,076, 18:06 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

We would like to thank Israel for participating in our training war. A good time was had by all that noticed.

Our goal was to use our very cheap AS to get us some TP cash. Unfortunately the reason it was so cheap was because we only had two MPP’s which meant we were flying in the cargo hold of the plane with not much fuel in the tank.

It turned out Israel misread Egypt’s intent with their NE. They thought it was just another troll NE like the one a few days before. We pushed the air strike button thinking the NE would die on the board like one a few days earlier. I assume Egypt waited to vote yes so they could sneak attack or something.

Any way we were probably over anxious to do something and should have waited to be sure but we relied on the advise we were given.

So the very reason our Air Strike was so cheap was the reason it failed to land. We were not prepared for the actual fight that Egypt gave us.

No one can actually lose a training war and we made some friends in Israel so we accomplished something besides the one campaign.

I would like to thank the allies that did show up despite our lack of MPP’s. It is a particular challenge in the lower divisions when you don’t have MPP’s because of the travel involved.

I have today sent Israel an MPP so we can continue sending our regards to Egypt for a while.

We learned a lot from this experience. The next time we fly it will be with our full MPP stack and fully prepared for a tough landing.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid
CP eCanada