The new and improved eRepublik (Guide to the beta Version with Pics)

Day 947, 20:52 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

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Hello fellow Citizens i am telling you about the new and improved eRepublik. This new eRepublik is gonna be a gold eater. Money will be worth less and it seems inflation will go through the roof. Well on the bright side here is what they add and brought back so far.

Military Module
Well our old friend Lana is back and she is improved. Getting us into tip-top shape.

More info on the module
Army boots- +10 % Free
Boot camp- +50% lose .5 gold
Caesar’s battle- +100% lose 1 gold
Napoleon’s battle +200% lose 1.8 gold
Also choose when to train a new feature.
Select your skill to enhance-
Rifle, Tank, Artillery, or Air Unit

Well we see one of Lana’s sisters, her name is Emma and she is the secretary of the company you work for. Well now you can increase your productivity by choosing to use your gold to increase your productivity. Another feature is you can choose when to enter work. Also it appears your salary will be different in beta and V.2 im not sure if you will make more but it seems now we get paid by the hour. But hey here you go use your gold for this.
Productivity- +25% Free
Productivity- +50% .5 gold
Productivity- +75% .88 gold
Productivity- +110% .98 gold

Now there is a library where you can pick to study a subject and enhance skill and plan your future.
Well once again we meet another one of Lana’s sister here. Her name is Gina and she is your tutor. Well you can choose from the follow skills to enhance. Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Carpenter, Builder, Architect, Engineer, Mechanic, Fitter, Technician, Harvester. This will help you with your career and salary.

Of course there is a gold spending alert here.
Well you can spend your gold on a booster.
Crash Course- +100% Free
Basic Economy- +150% 1 gold
Keynesian Economy +200% 1.5 gold
Success St.- +400% 2 gold
You will lose happiness. But gain experience.

Well I guess now we have a neighbor. Her name is Lisa and she one of Lana’s sisters, I guess she is anyway. Well now we can just sit down and chill. We can Go to the Gym, Day at the spa, Go to bed, and Go see a movie. This all affects our happiness.

Well we can also choose how much free time we want. You can even chill for a whole day.
Now listen up you will once again be tempted to spend gold. Well here we go this is what you can spend it on. Here is how you will gain Happiness Points.
Gym session- +2 Happiness P. Free
Day at the gym- +10 Happiness P. .9 gold
Bed- +30 Happiness P. 1.5 gold
Cinema Tickets- +80 Happiness P. 4.5 gold
So you may be tempted to spend gold. But I wouldn’t waste all my gold to improve happiness.

Now for what people see when they view your profile.

Enhancements to your profile.
We can now see your deployment Location, Happiness, your profession, army skill. Better info on your party.

My Places
Look at my places now with these screen caps. There is an Uptown and a Downtown.

The newest Places are:
The Library
Residential area
Advertising Agency

There has also been a change to the Marketplace.

You can also eat 10 foods a day if you pick to.

Items replaced
Diamonds, gifts, wood, grain

Replaced with
Tank, Air Unit, Stone, Titanium.

Things to know about the Beta.
It will break, it will be slow, it could possibly be down for hours.
Do not work or train in beta it will not carry over to V.1.
It is new not everything is change yet.
Only 2 of the 4 modules are active.
So just enjoy yourself,

Oh and Save your GOLD.
Have a great day my fellow eRepublikers
What do you think of The V.2 beta. Comment below
Your Friend,