The Mechanism

Day 5,024, 00:51 Published in Austria Austria by Yhamilitz the Night Watch

Hallo zusammen, I hope you’re fine, very, very fine.

Today, after a while, I decided to make you enjoy one more of my articles (A short one 😃 ) by doing something else. People talk about many things in Erepublik. At least in the feed. People say a lot of things. I know this game has become older, and older. It has become very routine in our daily actions. Some people like it, and some do not. Still there is something that I see people do not put attention to. But it exists.

By the way, I was going to publish an 12th anniversary article many weeks ago, but shit happens and I could not, still, I'm going to use the draft for the 13th anniversary article. Because you know, 13 is the lucky number. So, you must be here at least one more year. Because there will be surprises.

Also, I need to began to plan my anniversary Article since I came here in 23 of September in this account. (I am here since 2 of August of 2009, but you know, that day passed)

You know, I am a Physics Student. Not exactly an Engineer Student. But I have some of their concepts.
Also, I was a Social Anthropology Student. I used to study societies. Analyse them and learn how they work.

So, how can you mix something very different, like Engineering and Anthropology?
This is the real question And I’m here to explain it to you.

Gears and Machines

Society is like a mechanism, It has a structure and it has an order. I don’t know if some of you have a car in your house and decided to look around it and check every piece, every engine, every screw. Every piece here has a fundamental value for making the motor to work. If something fails or is missing, then all the motor fails or begins to have problems. If there is something external there creating issues, it may make the motor suffer in their performance. So, even if that agent is inside the machine, it doesn’t mean it is part of it.

Society is more complex than any automobile. Because people are not pieces in a motor. Still, people are part of a mechanism called Society. Every society in order to function, their members should be a positive influence in their society.

The Austrian Mechanism

Austria is a small country in Erepublik, but is a very proud one. Some people had been focused on recording some of the old history. Also some people had been taking care of the society by helping to maintain the balance in this mechanism that we call the Austrian Society. I’m not talking about governments or power. I talk about the players, the ones who fight, work, and vote in this country.

Today’s legacy was built by those citizens from the past that made this country to become solid. Some were politicians, some were soldiers, some were advisors. Those people created the legacy that today we enjoy here. And the people from thoday, are the ones that are taking care of or maintaining it, to pass it on to other generations.

Not all citizens contribute the same way, some of them are animators, or some of them are just passionate about it. And still, they are part of this mechanism.

As I can tell by myself I’m not the most influential person here, but I am one of the oldest, if not the oldest one. I had seen stuff, and I had seem players going stuff, some people did some stuff for help people around them, and these words of care, those words of advisers, are the reason why some people that have not eBorn in Austria are still here, we are part of that mechanism, that we call Austria They build it, and we maintain it. We take care of it. Doesn’t matter how many weird changes the admins make. We are here, with a duty…

Keep the mechanism to keep moving.

Esto es todo amigos. Sin nada más que agregar, más que mandarle un saludo a la mamá de Miguel Chamorro, y decir que Loliicapri es la mejor, hasta la próxima!

That's all for now folks. Without anything else to add, except, by sending my greetings to Miguel’s Chamorro’s Mother, and saying that Loliicapri is the best, until the next time!

Y hoy es mi cumpleaños RL, así que denme cosas gratis. 😃 / And today is my RL birthday, so give me some free stuff. 😃