The Future of the REAL world.

Day 2,059, 13:50 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Quote from the RL CPUSA "Why can't capitalism solve the jobs crisis?"

"Capitalism cannot provide jobs for the hundreds of millions of unemployed, nor does it have any interest in doing so. Capitalism is in business to make profits, not jobs. When it needs workers, it will hire them; when it no longer needs them, it will fire them. As the new production technologies develop and the rate of production is intensified, workers will be needed for shorter and shorter periods of time."

However before it can get to this point (machines replacing humans at jobs to save money) hopefully the people will rise up for what is right and stop this, all those types of people care about is money, they don't care about the worker nor his family.

If they had it their way the would like it to return to the late 1800's where there was very poor working conditions and little pay for the proletariat to survive on. In order to survive we must rise up and stop the evil that capitalism brings, and fight the growing monopoly on governments by their companies!