The fun of the game

Day 1,614, 15:42 Published in USA Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Dear diary,

I haven’t been able to write to you because I felt so confused during the last months. I have started losing the sense of fun and generally,my will to play. The cause of this was the continuous conflicts among players that actually had no reason to argue,but they did. In this point,I have to say that I am one of them,who logged in to erepublik everyday just in order to argue with the majority of the players. I thought that this was fun. I made a big mistake. When I realized this,I said to myself that the time for me to leave erepublik,has finally come.

It was this point that I saw one single comment in a shout from a player that I really appreciate oboj.The only thing he said was:“EMC was here”.He was referring to the result of a battle that was won by our alliance. Well you can say that everybody is doing this kind of shouts for their MU but something inside me told me that I had to give to erepublik one last chance.

So I asked how can I join EMC, I followed the protocol and I was accepted! For me,it was the first time,in more than 2 years that I have been playing erep,to be with persons from all over the world and not just from eGreece. In the first 2-3 hours after my entrance in our channel I was shy,I didn’t know if I would be accepted there. I was TOTALLY wrong. I was accepted by all members with joy and they made me feel like I knew them for years. It is nice fighting and chatting with them at the same time and last but not least,being part of such a glorious and world-wide known MU,asEMC.The truth is that I have met many persons these days and I really cannot say anything negative for them. Now, after more than a week in EMC,I consider it my home. A home that I finally found after a long time...

The best thing is that I finally found out what is the funny part of the game. What makes me have fun has nothing to do with who is going to be cp or congressman or even minister. It’s all about meeting with other players from other places and realize that actually, have the same interests,the same sense of humor and finally the same needs of having fun in this game.

Thank you all for letting me find the true meaning of the game and a reason to stay here and finally become a better e-person.