The Final Edition

Day 1,857, 04:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Well First off: This is the final edition. Tomorrow I am going to my brothers plot alongside a river and from there we will head to sea. I am not planning on taking a computer along as I dont have a laptop anymore and want to enjoy my holiday rather than spend a lot of time
on a computer. I am finishing a project anyway today so it would be kinda a break from computers as well..

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year is wished upon my regular readers and occasional commenters and also to all of my friends and every citizen of eIreland.

Kalashnikov top of the pops

Well the newspaper was started on day 1608 and has seen 43 articles. My most popular articles was:

1.Blowhole epedemic reaches disastrous proportions. - 16 Votes

This idea literally came from reading this elaborate longwinded articles. Anyway it was a comedy piece. So I trust you enjoyed it.

2.Irishboyo1967 for president: - 16 votes

Irishboy had written a piece about why yddub should run for government and in this piece I made a mockery of that piece by showing stuff that IBhoy had kidded us about or perhaps not in his previous article. For the record the first pic is that of jeffrey dahmler in school lol. Anyway it was again more of a comic piece.

3. Lastly joining the crowd of 16 votes my peak I wrote:

Read Bhane's comment and Bean's response to it classic stuff. Also Irishboy the perpetual clown perhaps. This was more of a dry humor comic bit explaining my vote. TBH B&T was a good president and good guy throughout so there is much sadness in his departure.

My honorable mention to other pieces will go to

We will never find out the truth as the mods refuse to give any information. Thx for my informants however that I think put the whole matter in perspective.


I think I made some good points in this article. Perhaps we can follow it up in the new year with a referendum.




A mock piece where I twisted all the facts for comic purpose. I found it kinda funny.

High Trees vs Normal Folks

During this year we saw 2 Country presidents quitting the game later in the year.

All of the thefts: Well lets see was it sawc that did the first theft. Second one was allegedly by Marcus Suridius. From the end of our winter and therefore the beggining of yours the mood changed foul and there was a lot of in fighting and allegations upon allegations. Personally I wondered whether it was not because of the coming winter most of you folks got depressed a bit. there you go the whole of ireland psycho analysed for free.

The Rise and Fall and Rise again of Pshycho

As croatian pshycho took the reigns twice and was defeated once or twice as well. Face it this is a 2 clicker and the congress is a 2 clicker. But psycho atleast put more effort into his term than others.

Psycho also had several outburst this year
1. He used the N word
2. Then he swore at the MF that outted him
3. Then he wrote to the one boot camper that he will have God rape him if he leaves Saiorse.

Ehmm I GUESS WE COULD call HIM THE MAD PRESIDENT but i am afraid he would inspire some deity to try and rape me.

The others histories you can recap yourself as I am getting bored writing this.


Some was harassed by them extensively hateful several times got rebuked for his articles and the 1200 porn links he placed on the site. I think his record stands at 50. Myself I got 1 forfeit point although I am cursing almost daily. So "give that man a Bell's" to the moderator in charge here. I like your subdued work coming from a forum where I was perma banned.

Also I think this makes eRepublik lean more towards an adult site.


Well what people forget is that we are all amateur newspaper men. I mostly wrote articles about topics that interested me or tried to work out some kind of comic skit.

So blah diblah di blah blah blah Di blah cya next year as me and IRR mom head for Greece for several nights of.....FUN. lol jk.