The Final Days : Part 2

Day 2,395, 05:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

There once was a woman the wife of a traveling salesman. Often he would travel and though their time was sparse and their money even sparser. The woman was very happy and did not have want for more.

One day a truck lost control and injured the husband behind saving.

As he was laying in his hospital bed. He whispered something and his wife leaned over and he said there was more. At first she didn't want to hear what there was more of so she sat back but eventually her curiosity overtook her and she leaned in again. And the man said with his final breath..more wife's.

Ans she returned home and she looked at their small house and their broken down furniture and she though about how they had only 2 children as times was so tough.

And at night she dreamed...

She dreamed of her husbands life with his other wifes and children. In her dreams she was her husband and she had to scrape for food for all of his wifes and she saw the pain in his children eye as there was never enough money to bring them more than cheap joys in their life's. She saw his depression when his child asked for a cellphone or a laptop or anything his friends had and they hadn't.

She woke up at 5 in pain and angst her stomach muscles contracted from all of the worry.

She made her bed and decided to go through his travel bag after going pass some products she came upon 5 identity documents. All of them had another identity for her husband. And she came upon 1 life policy in the name of her husband as she knew him . And she finally came upon a note reading To [her name] But you never wanted more.

She thought too herself never wanted more and she thought about all the nights she could barely sleep because of financial worries. And the desire for more children and she rolled that words in her head "never wanted more"

The next day she called the insurance company and went to the library to download the claim forms and posted the claim forms to them.

But then the words came back to haunt her "you never wanted more". And she felt guilt and she remembered the dream she had about her husbands life's.

So she spend the rest of the afternoon calling the insurance companies asking for any policies in the names of her husbands other identities and there was none....