The Final Days

Day 2,394, 15:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Anyway what do you think about this little passage: Any clues..

QUESTION is: Is it related to the silence that is coming to eIreland?

I guess its a case of...
Look Out Here comes tomorrow

and you better take the...
Last train to clarksville

Im a believer that the dogs of war are descending on the beaches of Normandy that they will soon conquer our Neighbour and where will Ireland stand then.

Will we cry like Stilpo ?

"Boo hoo hoo Krakken he be taking me parti governor boo hoo"

What is funny to me how the ordinary citizens is missing everything. Still the Bhane /Congress /Screenshots is missing. I have heard rumors and thats it. Disturbing rumors.

Bhane /Seanan can argue a 54 comment thread all of their own never getting anywhere cause they have 1 flaw. They cannot be seen to be wrong. Back in the old days we had politicians that was very good at that. With great aplomb they would sidestep a 100 difficult questions.

Lastly I am no longer working for Nogin as well so she will be fair game from now on. My salary was 20 Q7 WEPS when she was stationed in China and 12 afterwards. I have a similar deal now outside of the clerics but i am not going into details.