The Country President Debate (Part 2)

Day 1,048, 18:52 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

And Welcome, Here is Part 2!

And here we go guys, we're going to do a lightning round. One answer, no explanation

Favorite eCountry other than eIsrael:

CRoy: eCanada
Gavin: eItaly

Favorite Former eIsraeli CP:

CRoy: Franz Kafkfa
Gavin: Dean Michaely

Favorite Foo😛

CRoy: Cereal
Gavin: Lost taste in his mouth....whatever that means.

Favorite Alliance:

Gavin: EDEN

Boxers or Briefs:

CRoy: Commando
Gavin: Commando

Who would they smash in eRep:

CRoy: Claire Littleton
Gavin: Aeroner

CRoy: The UIIP is seen as American PTO of eIsrael by many eIsraelis. What are you doing to patch that up?

Nothing. We aren't a "PTO", we are made up of 1 single person who was in the UIP (who no longer plays), and most of our leadership has been in eIsrael for a long time or on and off (Thain, Robbie, Jamarcus, and others). If people want to keep calling us a PTO, we have better things and better places to go I suppose. But I've spent a lot of time trying to explain things. I'm done trying to explain to those who dont want to listen.

And Gavin, your thoughts on UIIP?

They're cool.

CRoy again, Why did you choose to change the name from IDP to UIIP, almost identical to UIP, a major american party?

It was on purpose. We work closely with them on a few things: having fun and playing games on the shared forum, training our members to do background/security checks (yibgib has become a full member of their security crew), and sharing stories and contacts around the world. I have met so many new people, done so many amazing things, and brought a lot of activity to this country, because of the relationship. I'm proud of it. Many have said that without they probably would have quit. Anyways, that's my thoughts on that.

To both of you, your top 3 goals as CP

1) Set up my Kingdom 2) Babyboom/Active wars to participate in 3) Work on domestic issues hardcore, because they have been ignored

1) set up new national forums 2) reopen negotiations with Turkey
3) set up a proper budget and get the finances all sorted out/organized government organizations

Looking back on your political careers what is one thing you would change to lead you to this point?


If I could change anything, it would be my 6 month absence from the game. I wish I had been here to help out all that time.

Any last words for the readers and audience guys?

Wear a rubber.

Make sure to vote. But only once please.

Thanks for both of you being so cooperative, and good luck to both of you in your elections.


Thank you.

And that's about it. Good Luck to both candidates, and thanks for reading and being there. That's all for now folks, until next time.

Sam Krakower