The Correspondent - An Introduction

Day 1,601, 02:23 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Oscdar

Hi citizens of eGreat Britain. I am Oscdar and this is the first UK issue of my newspaper called "The Correspondent".

Article by Oscdar

I have traveled far and wide in the eWorld before I decided to go back home to eSweden and start my career i the ePolitics. But now when I am done with what I wanted done I have moved once again. This time to lovely eUK.

Here I hope to get to know eUK as a proud British citizen take a dive into another forum, take a beer out in the open together with my English mates and contribute to the eUK society and forum as much as I possibly can, starting with introducing you to The Correspondent.

The Correspondent will publish articles on a wide varity of topics, both Politics, International relationships, Interviews from all around the eWorlds five corners, Infographics on interesting things you didn't know you wanted to know, and lots more.

Articles are out when the news are fresh and sproudling, filled with interesting and enlightening information. Not that I plan on releasing anything shitty but it may happen.

And the occasional International issue will also be released dealing with topics interesting for every eRepublik citizen.
