The best way for Israel economy

Day 569, 14:53 Published in Israel Romania by eliberator

Dear citizens of Israel,
work for private held companies. I invested in Israel such as I wanted to put Israel in the first lines of the eWorld.

Our strategy should be based on LOW prices, as other small countries are doing it. Small prices will bring more gold to our country than you imagined. We even don't have to buy export licences. The blackmarketeers will like to come to our country to buy our products BUT only if we are cheap.

What means to be cheap? Cheap in terms of GOLD.
There are 2 solutions to reach this situation:
1st one is to work on lower wages such as the products could have lower prices.
2nd one is based on inflation.
Inflation is NOT good at all, so we should focus on the first solution, so please work for privately held companies.

More than that: USE THE WARS and the HOSPITAL to keep your wellness highest as possible.
Higher wellness means also more productivity. If we will produce more and more, we can have lower, and lower prices / products.
TODAY you can fight here: FIGHT only if you are in NORTH district, otherwise, please ask for tickets to move to North District in order to fight from there because only there you have the Q5 hospital!!! Keep your wellness HIGH!!!

Moore is also supporting this politic such as he was selling his grain very cheap. Cheapest in the eWorld, even if we, the Israel, have only medium grain region.

So, please support private business, and as an advice to our managers, try to hire the optimum number of people in your company to produce the maximum you can.

The National Food company is hiring always more than optimum number, and this means HALF of the production. Why to work there?
I, as a manager of Red Crystal Organization, and especially the Kosher Food, decreased today the price of Q2 food to the 1.5NIS, and if the project will work ok, I will try to reduce it more and more.

What I can promise to you is to provide jobs which will keep your wellness OK, such as we will produce nice priced Q2 food, and all of my employees should be able to buy it. And also the cheapest weapons in the country, such as the government could buy the weapons anytime from my companies in order to give the weapons to the population for real fights (for just joining a battle).

Thanks a lot for supporting the nation by working!!!